I am constantly looking for new and interesting training classes. I look for online courses and ones that are held in a classroom. We can never have enough training, but that is my opinion. Let me know what you think.....

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Not really John...then you have your sig other training you to get those "Honey Do" lists done
You can NEVER have enough training. You have to continue training and going over things you have already learned. You dont want to be the one who shows up and forgets something simple that you learned long ago but might not have done in a while. Practice practice practice!
I agree that you can never have too much training. I also, however, am looking for some new and interesting training ideas. Summer is a hard time to get guys to attend training. So if you anyone has some good "hot" weather trainings I would be interested in learning about them.
I have to jump on the training bandwagon here and give my two cents worth. You just can't become complacent. Things change everyday and we all know that in the fire service every situation is unpredictable. Our best defense is to train and keep training. The firefighter who thinks they have arrived and no longer need to train scares me. Putting training on the back burner is paramount to putting safety on the back burner and we just can't afford to do that.
This job is a never ending process of training. You can never stop learning or getting training.

Does your state {or neighboring states} offer county, regional, state and national weekend training courses?
This may something to look into and research the possibility to have them come to your station/area.

Another place to look for schooling is the International Association of Arson Investigators your state chapter or go to www.iaai.org and check for your state chapter.

You can also contact your local state fire investigator and ask them to put on a Meth Lab Awareness Class {THIS IS A MUST FOR EVERY FIREFIGHTER} and ask them to put on a investigation/scene preservation class.

If you email me { @ nrs5fcomcast.net } I have some training material and table top scenarios that you can have. A good thing about these scenarios is you can replace my town/equipment with your town/equipment and make them fit your needs.

I've sent these to many members of FFN and they've adapted them to there community.

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