How long have you ever seen a Probation Period for your dept ? Or what was yours ?

I was needin to know cause my boyfriend went from his dept. to somewhere else cause we move in together in another county , He got into a dept that well have a Probation Period Of a Year .
Now my boyfriend just about has every training that they have out there have his cdl's and is more trained there the caption in that dept. and they know this a still he can not drive the truck for a year or anything can not run med. calls with by the way once again he is licensed to do so .
He has been in the fire dept 16 years and well trained , and understand the 90 days that i think most dept. have but a year i really don't get .
So if anyone can let me know what you think plz i am all ears .
Thank you and have a wonderful day and be safe .

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This Probation is about how other Fire Fighters in waiting list, react to this new entry or they get adjusted to share their goodies....Your husband is new immigrant in this new Fire department...
I met person who had eleven year of FF service in another town and then never bother to join Fire Department in new town...
One needs to be like spider man....keep trying...thats my way of handling everything...
Our probationary period is also a year but we do have and provisions that if some one comes in from another department and has their training we let their previous service count toward the probation.

But this all hinges on the recommendation given by their previous chief.

That being said other departments have rules they go by and if that is how they have it set up then they have to follow them. And you do not want members of the new department getting mad at you if they let you slide when you joined and they did not get the same treatment. I know it is hard but it's better to wait out the year and then they will start letting him do more.
My department has a one year probationary period as well. They let me slide on some of the small things since I already had experience, but bigger things (Like driving the apparatus) are strictly by the book.
On my department it's, 1 year after you recive your fire traing and during this year you'll wear an orange helmet.
Ours is a period of 1 year and that's for everyone new to the doesn't make a bit of difference...I have seen some that had their probation periods extended for an additional 6 months if an issue arose or if they didn't get the req'd training in....Then they go to the board for a review and they then rec to the membership to accept or deny membership based on their performance during probation...attitude id almost as important if not more so than the training.....Paul
Volunteer or Fulltime?

Fulltime - Whatever they put down on your conditions of hire paperwork that you signed as conditions of employment, is what you have to live up to during the probationary period. So if you agree to 1 year, and a bunch of specific classes, well at the one year mark, you either meet the conditions or not.

There is no such thing as extending a probationary period in our state. If the fire department doesn't terminate your employment at day 365 because you failed to complete the conditions, on day 366 you are an official member, protected by the organizations negotiated union contract.

This has been challenged, with extending a guys so called probationary period, and defeated by the lawyers in favor of the employee. During probation you are a non-protected employee who can be terminated for just about anything, it is the department's fault they chose to not terminate you before probation ended.
1 year regardless of expirence where I am at, but thats not to say you will not get to do certain things.
We have a 1 year probation for all new firefighters and 6 months for all new officers. This 1 year does include firefighters with training, but can drive and run all call after getting checked off by an officer.
generally probation for a new member fresh wet behind the ears from academy is a year..and a transfer of a vet thats 2 years plus 6months ...but in cases where the person is not around often I have seen this period go as high as 2 years
We have probation for 1 year when you first get in, in that year you have to get FireFighting Essentials 1. If you are a transfer from another department you need a letter of good standing and you will be placed on 6 months probation. During this time you may be removed from this probation period at the dicrestion of the station captain once proving knowledge and proficiency of the equipment.
Who's complaining? You or him?
Most places are one year regardless of prior training or experience. Never heard of 90 days.

I'm willing to bet he'll be utilized though for his level of training. Just got to sit tight for now.
Probation is a combined effort.
Good luck.
Ours is for 3 years....yes 3 years....Like someone said, he is new to THIS department and he has to perform in the ranks before doing more for the department...he may have a lot of experience but not a lot of experience with the new department...if he keeps his head down and ears open they may have him do more the department. Just let his experience prove to them and not get defensive. I wish him well! And remember, your 1 year is a lot better than our 3 year! :-)

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