Thought it was a good time to make the introduction here. 

The folks at Firefighternation and has for some reason allowed us to bring a totally different angle into their excellent group of bloggers. 

The point of the new blog is to cover more of the lifestyle, behind the scenes, technology, and other items of interest to the fire service community. We are not here to post the lastest fire videos - the other bloggers do a great job with that. We will try to cover the other side of the fire service both the good and the ugly.

We will also provide LIVE and recorded coverage of firefighter related events covering technology, cookoffs, athletic competitions, and more.

NOTE! We are currently looking for on-air personalities to join us for a completely different kind of fire department podcast based on a morning radio show format. If you have an hour a week to connect via Skype and have an entertaining personality, we would love for you to join our team!! Trust us, you will have fun doing this!

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