Has anyone use the new Search Sleeve? Seems like a good product to me and was thinking about buying one. If you have used one I would like to know what you think of it, if you haven't still give your opinion on it would like to know what everyone thinks.


Here is a link to the site http://www.searchsleeve.com/index.html

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Never heard of it til now. Looks like a smart invention. Should come in handy (excuse the pun!). I'm interested now also.
Never heard of it until now either. But, I'll stick with my helmet light. My head will be turning to where I want to look anyhow. It might make digging in your pockets a little annoying. Also limits you to using one hand if you have the other dedicated to using a flashlight. Just check out the dude in the picture on their website. He's trying to crawl with one hand while holding a haligan while the other hand is useless because it's his go-go-gadget flashlight hand. I dunno about this one.
Like I said, I haven't heard of this new gadget and I'm just going by what I see. I would like to hear more about it as well.
Something else to get hung up on crap........I'll stck with my helmet light.....
Looks pretty cool to me but like Derek R. said it could be a bit of a hassle getting to your pockets as well as having one hand dedicated to a light. My thought tho would be to use your arm and hand like normal and if you need the light raise up your arm and have a look. I am really thinking of getting one as well.
I'll stick with my three dollar Garrity. Maybe I'll make a homemade version and try it out, but overall, no thanks.
I'm going to go against the grain here. What I see about this I like, I wouldn't want to pay too much for it, but I definately see some advantages. First thing is the light is on your sleeve, aiming forward. Face it, with a helmet light, if you are crawling, like you should, the light is looking down, rather than out, for the most part. With this you can have light as you are swinging a tool for a search.

Secondly, it reduces weight that one is carrying on their helmet and if one is using the Blackjack light bracket for a helmet, you see many FF's with a cockeyed helmet, due to weight. One would almost need 2 lights just to even out the weight factor.

As for digging in pockets, my answer would be to have your pockets laid out better, perhaps look into a gut belt, truckman's belt. If one has so much crap in their pockets, what good is that if you need something now because you are in a fire. Besides, the flashlight is on your sleeve, not your hand, meaning it can be moved up so not to interfere with pocket or even hand use. If you had this device attached to your hand, it would defeat the prupose of the product wouldn't it? Hence the term sleeve.

The only drawbacks I could see could be a hang up factor, especially if encountering fallen wires, suspended ceiling hangers, etc. If one is looking to "swim" the wires away, this may catch on them. However, this looks like something that can be removed quickly if need be. This would be the one area I would prefer to test this on, prior to making a purchase, but I don't think such an event should be a deciding factor againstsuch a device.

To me this looks like it frees up your hands, vs confines them. When talking to someone with a helmet light, you get blinded when they turn to you. The light is out in front of you with your work. I would like to give it a try.
and what happens when you start working with tools...? Will your light hold up to a strike with a flat head axe...? Would it get in the way when doing roof ops...? I think it would put the light into my partners face more than where I need it on extrications.......Just my look at it....I'd like to know what "Blackjack" you are using that is that heavy...? I have no issues with mine at all.....
and what happens when you start working with tools...?
Well, you work with the tools, just that simple.

Will your light hold up to a strike with a flat head axe...?
Gee, I don't know. Since i don't like wasting money, I'm not going to take a swing at a personal light. Since the dept owns the other lights, I'm not going to risk my job swinging at one of those. And since I don't swing an axe to a person's arm, nor do my co-workers, I guess there is no reason to test the theory out.

Would it get in the way when doing roof ops...?
Howso? I'm not using my arm to open a roof, I use a tool. Since this device looks like it holds a light secured in a pouch on your sleeve, why would it matter to open a roof?

I think it would put the light into my partners face more than where I need it on extrications
So why are you pointing your arm at your partner's face during extrication then?

I'd like to know what "Blackjack" you are using that is that heavy...? I have no issues with mine at all.....

No issues with mine either. It isn't the weight of the device, it is the weight of the light. I know of several coworkers who have a Blackjack and work fine, but there are many cockeyed helmets because of a weight difference. Face it, any extra weight you put on your helmet is extra weight.

Paul, I could really care less if you have your undies in a bunch here and want don't want to try the thing. What you are advocating against really isn't holding much water as I see it. I myself have a different perspective and would like to give it a try (if price was reasonable). I view this as another tool, with an actual, practical use, in many situations. I described one situation where I would really like to try it to make a decision, but I'm not ready to toss it to the curb because it is something new. I also don't advocate any new product coming out because many of the "traditional" ways work fine. Some things I could see a benefit to, this would be one.
Or perhaps I just want to play Devil's Advocate, just to rile you up.
This looks really nice. I do water rescue, and search and rescuea as well. For twenty bucks, I'll give it a try.
My undies in a bunch...? Why you snot nosed little shit....LOL....They asked for opinions and I gave it...you want to try it then go for it.....I don't see it as being worth carrying something else....maybe the other folks have cock-eyed heads and it isn't the light.......
Me personally, I will stick with the box light, the super bright one hanging in my truck for free.
If I want a sleeve light...I'll duct tape one to my arm.

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