I see a fair bit of talk about volunteers hanging out at the fire station and the social activity around that. But, does this sort of thing happen much at combination departments? I'm in one of those with about 25 paid and about 20 volunteers and that doesn't seem to be part of the local tradition.

Frankly, I would feel a little strange just "hanging out" somewhere where other people are on the clock, even though they might not actually be doing any work at the time. I think I'd feel a little bit like an intruder.

I could see going in to help do some chores and the like and then hanging around for a while afterwords shooting the bull, but thats about it.


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i am in a combination department, were we run around 12 full timers, broken up into 3-4 man crews and we have around 8-10 paid volunteers that respond when the tone goes off on a normal day. when we volunters go in to hang out there usually sitn any problem because it gives the guys on duty some time to just shoot the shit. which they need and like. its how we stay good partners and good frineds. there usually istn any problem. we do help them with some stuff. which they oppreciate. some of which is helping them train the jr firefghters . so in our department we really dont have any problems with the hanging out thing. the only thing the full timeres require is bring you gear in and put it on the rack to repsond with the trucks.
In our department we have more stations then the duty crews can staff. We have 8 stations and only 3 duty crews of 3 people each. So, most of our houses are staffed by call firefighters. When I first got on about 6, 7 yrs ago hanging out at the fire house was the thing to do after you got out of highschool in the afternoons waiting for a run. There was always the big screen, computers, pool table, airhockey, etc to keep you busy and most of the times we would take the engine out to dinner so if a call came out we could make it. The houses that were considered combo you could ride out with the duty crew when a call came in because there was always at least two open jump seats.
We run a full time ambulance and then the fire side is all paid on call. Our chief is also full time and usually there is a list of things to get done with for that day as well as the normall chores for the shift crew. Normally, if we hang out up there, we do some of the things on the list or help out with the crew doing things, other wise we usually wash an engine or tanker, or something else to keep us busy. During the day its better since we are short staffed with everyone working, but then during the evening hours, most of the time its to just shoot the s**t. If their significant other shows up for alittle while during the evening, we go find something to do so that they have some time together.
I am at a combination dept. Our personel welcome as many volunteers hanging out as possible. Most Combination depts are minimum staffed. So when a structure fire breaks out there maybe only 4 to 7 firefighters on the scene for a few minutes. Probably from a Volunterrs side the down side might be they would ask too help with some of the chores around the station. When I was at a total Volunteer fire dept we had to do everything. So for me and I am sure for a lot of others this is no big deal. Some paid Staff at Combination departments probably would like too see the volunteers go away and more paid personel on staff. Mainly so they would know the people really well and what they can or can't do. Some worry about what Volunteers might show or not show up for a call. I say Just Volunteer like you were at a total Volunteer Orginization. The more you hang out the better you will get too know them and they know you
At our Department all the Firefighters are the same. We are able to hang at the department just like everyone else, as a matter of fact we all think we are all paid, well no not really but close, if you didn't really look into it we all wouldn't know how was paid or not. Volunteer or paid, what makes the difference is only money ????????
Our Chief just got through with a round of meetings with everybody in the department. He pounded the point that we are one department paid or volunteer. He actually encourages me often to come by the station when the day (paid) shift is on duty. I know at least half of the paid guys. So I guess there would be a two prong answer. What does your COMMAND expect from the relationship between paid and volunteers. Also do the paid guys and the volunteers even know each other ? Its always easier hanging around friends, and that isn't even a fire sevice thing that's just life !
We are a primary volunteer district with a number of Paid Officers/FFs who "man" the day shift...I do spend a fair amount of my free time at the "manned" stations, mainly to pick up on the training that I feel I am missing out on at my fully volunteer station. Sure, at first it felt strange...but after a bit, I feel just as welcome there as I do anywhere else really. I help with the daily station duties, get the benefit on going on calls with more experienced FFs, driver training on various ap, pump training, and a better general understanding of the daily duties expected of our career staff. In return I have been thrown a number of VOD shifts, and I am "filling in" for a Career member who is on vacation next week. I am looking forward to the experience I will gain! Every experience I get helps make me a better FF/EMT.


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