Hi guys,

So i'm an explorer here in NorCal, and I want to get on a better, healthy diet. I have already limited myself to eating out once a week, no more, but what are some other ideas you guys use of know of? I'm a hearty eater, and work out fairly often. Anything you guys do would be awesome!


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Hey there, I commend you on your effort to eat better.  Firefighters are athletes and need to fuel their bodies like athletes.  I've been following some guidelines for healthy eating and they have really helped me increase my energy and lose bodyfat.  You can get the guide here free.  (www.FireRescueFitness.com)  click on the free reports link.   Here are 6 guidelines the report lists to eat healthy.

1.  Limit or eliminate all liquid calories - fruit juices, soda pop, Gatorade, and   alcohol.  

2.  If it grows on a tree, we can eat it.  If it grows on or is a plant, eat it.  Fruits and veggies should be included in every meal and in as many snacks as possible.  They provide the body with muscle and energy promoting nutrients that a firefighter needs to get through the day. 

 3.  Add in a LEAN protein at each meal and snack - This is a must!  Adding in protein to your meal with help slow down the digestion of food and force the body to burn more calories.

 4.  Minimize ALL sugars and processed foods.  Cakes, candies, breads crackers, pastas, etc. all have high amounts of processed starches and sugars (and yes, I know they are usually around the firehouse).   

 5.  Get to know Your Carbohydrates.  Seek out foods containing complex carbohydrates and fiber, like those found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

6.  Eat your healthy fats –Here is a nutritional statement worth remembering:  Eating fat won’t make you fat any more than eating money will make you rich. 


Hope these help.

I guess i can only speak from the side of the already overweight but i have been on weight watchers now for two and a half months and have lost thirty pounds so far.  The program is all about eating right and teaching you how to eat healthy for life.  I started out at 347 and i dont feel hungry during the day.  Good advice from Aaron Zamzow pretty much the only way to eat and keep a healthy weight.  Oh, by the way eat at least three times a day five is better.  I eat more now that i am on the diet and have still lost weight.  I never used to eat breakfast and look where it got me.  I decieded that fat drunk and stupid was no way to go through life.

I dont know if I can do it without fries man! Haha thanks for the help, i'll be using some of your trips for sure.

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