Well it is me again and as many of you know I usually speak my mind....Sort of the nature of the beast I guess.....I joined this site quite some time ago to share and learn from other Firefighters across the world wide web not some wannabee.....Sometimes I get slammed for what I say and sometimes I get to be the point of the joke....So be it...It's the same in any Fire Station....I wouldn't expect it to be any different....Now for my gripe....why is it when someone posts something that is quite obviously BS and we comment on it in that manner...all of a sudden "Comments are closed for this thread" Or we are thanked for welcoming new members....Keep your sarcasm....if we can't use it then neither should you...Yes,Chief I am referring to you..I never thought that I would ever talk to a Chief in that manner..but then again you aren't my Chief.  I think maybe it is time to take a break here...so to all my "Friends" I will say so long...I may stop by to see what is happening but don't think I will be signing on any further...I tried to delete my "membership" here but couldn't so I will just be a silent observer......I thought freedom of speech meant something but guess not.....Have at it all you "Wannabees" guess this is your site not that of real Firefighters and EMS personell......Paul Montpetit  (Notice I signed my real name)

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Amen Brother

I understand your point, but forgive me for not jumping on the bandwagon. Number one this is an internet forum, which means people can hide behind a screen name and subsequently throw out some very bogus info....if you want to play in this sandbox, be ready for some grit now and then. Which means don't expect coddling and expect a dose of reality. If you are spewing BS, be ready to get called on it.

Where I work and will say many out there, want a newbie or probie to prove themselves. Not just learning the job, but how they also assimilate into the firehouse. Busting chops and sarcasm is a way of life in many a firehouse, in many ways it is a way to see how someone can handle pressure. In many ways, it is the nature of the beast, the fire service after all is a paramilitary (or at least should be) organization. The military doesn't coddle people and doesn't put up with BS, and could care less about your experience prior to joining up.....same thing with many depts.

No, to me the door swings both ways. Some things to me do stand out for me to pass a judgement. Some things that blatantly stick out to me are spelling and grammar.....not trying to be a grammar nazi, but if you want to be taken seriously, use proper grammar. I could personally care less if "this is how you do things" or "this is how you are used to messaging" etc. You want in on this job, learn to be professional. Another thing that sticks out is the attitude, especially from juniors/explorers and even adults who think it is OK and acceptable for a kid to work on the fireground...even in a defensive measure. If one really looks here many of the issues we see with new people stem from these things.

Now, I am all about helping out when I can, but when I do help new personnel who come to the station, I will help as long as they want to learn, but they have to show effort as well. Ironically we really don't see that too much here, especially with spelling and grammar. There is only so far I would take someone serious, especially if pointing out such a thing they should be able to correct. Another aspect is one can learn a lot by observing....be it the fireground or the internet.

The aspect of "look before you leap" truly does play in with observing. Heck, such a thing can go for even regulars here and members who have been here longer than me.......Ever find how someone comments or poses questions on a thread, despite the discussion on the same topic going on a few pages back? It just shows people not looking at what was already discussed.

To me, I think it is pretty simple here. There isn't a reason to coddle someone spewing BS, nor one who doesn't show effort to improve (grammar/spelling). It is fine to get involved, but one can also gauge the tone of a discussion. Take a look through several pages before starting a new discussion. Read replies before stating the same thing as others and so forth. It really isn't difficult. Also if one really had a desire for the fire service, the internet is only a small aspect of their world. These forums are diverse, we have discussions from FF's of all walks of life and all sorts of ranks....there really is no set standard here. If a bad experience for getting called on a BS story or critiqued for communicating like a text message is what turns someone from the fire service, I say so be it.

It takes an effort to establish oneself in the job and it takes a thicker skin. I'm not advocating jumping in and attacking someone, but if you start a thread, by all means contribute to it. If questions are raised answer them. If your spelling is awful....proof read before posting, or copy and paste to something like WORD for a spell check if you don't have the capabilities. Put forth some effort if you are new. After all when I was new, I didn't have someone walking me around the rig to learn the equipment, I did that on my own. I didn't have someone coddling me to do daily chores etc. I learned by asking pertinent questions when they were there and by observing. I didn't regale of stories of BS nor try to impress with my time as an explorer. Help was there when I asked, when I screwed up I was called on it and I improved. That is how I approach this stuff. If someone asks pertinet questions I'll help if I can, if they show an effort, I'll take it into account and so forth, but I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon of being touchy feely.
We have a new firefighter.
He has eyes and ears wide open and his mouth shut.
He is respectful when he addresses someone.
Clearly; he GETS it. I will help to mentor him.
But this? And note that she already has quite a following. Most will be disappointed. She will be gone from here in less than a month, because the pull won't be as strong or she'll get a new boyfriend or a pimple:
I need some help!!!!Posted by Deitra Howard on December 3, 2010 at 6:41pm in General Firefighting & Rescue Discussion
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Ignore, ignore, ignore?
Yeah; that works.
If she listened, she would have posted this where it belongs, but she clearly wants to play to the bigger audience.
Oh look; she has the "most popular" post today. That should "discourage" her.
I'm a huge fan and frequent practitioner of ball-busting. However, after a while, the ball-busting can take on a life of its own. It becomes a way not to admonish someone, but to denigrate him.

As important as proper spelling and grammar are to clear communication, I've never been unable to understand what even the most illiterate FFN'er has tried to convey in a post. I do find it frustrating, but I manage. I'm much more distressed by the sad state of public education in our country - which is clearly on display in the forums - than the display itself. I also quickly realize that I know any number of firemen who, as was once famously said of Terry Bradshaw (Hall of Fame quarterback), couldn't spell 'Cat' if you spotted them the 'c' and the 'a'. But, like Bradshaw, they're good at what they're supposed to be good.

I'm not saying we shouldn't tell it like it is, but it shouldn't be more difficult to be civil than crass.
Great Pic....
How were you able to afford all that plastic surgery on a chiefs salary.
Just Kidding :>
Sales from my calendar!


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