I see allot of rookies in here and I thought I would do a little informational segment just for your guys and see just how much you know and some of you lifers out there like myself lets help these guys and gals out and give them some food for thought and maybe give them some Instructions and some examples of what a Hooligan tool is used for or can be used for and how multipurpose it can be. And if you have any visual effects lets add them to the post. Now this is just a start and I just picked this one out of the Air. And if you have a story to tell or used this tool for something other then what it was built for share your story, heck I'm never to old to learn...

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On extrication- Yes a lot of us have nice fancy extrication tools and some have hand-me-downs. They work well has long as they work. A set of irons is an essential tool in extrication. even though we use the power stuff for extrication the engineer is staging all hand tools near the vehicle for that "just in case" moment. I have witnessed to many times agencies tearing into a car with power tools and then iether the tool fails or it does not do what they expect. Then they are running around like chicken little. to get hand tools (if they think and know how to use them) and waste precious time.
Here in the house of 31, all of my guys/gals know how to use both power tools and hand tools to rip apart a car. Like I was taught many moons ago by my grandfather, if you rely on one tool to do the job then you are a bigger tool than it. Know all the jobs that a tool can do then find two more. Excellent forum and I look forward to more of them, maybe even add a few myself ;)
Be safe and learn something new today.

Now this is a good informational picture, the hinges are on the inside of the door and useing the Hooligan tool to make entrance by punching out the rivets or bolt heads.

Has anyone ever needed that little bit more leverage, well here is a picture to thank about when that extension was all that was needed to do your job
And never forget anytime when your working with these kind of tools, safety first and take care of yourself, your buddy and then everyone else...
A fella forewarded me a link to a site that has all kinds of handy hints and ideas for this tool and more.
Am I allowed to name that site?
The adz/duckbill end of a Halligan/Hooligan is also great for getting through deadbolts. Strike down from the top, half the dead bolt will pop off, stick a flat head screwdriver into the locking mechanism, turn, and viola, you've opened the door with minimal damage.
Just post the link. Sure, why not?
Good job Doug...

I ain't gonna get in trouble for this am I ?

Here is a couple pictures of tools that work well in conjunction with what doug has posted
If you do, blame it on me :)

I don't see why not, it's viable and related to this discussion.

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