any body have any good funraiser that have worked great for them need some ideas

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Try a Bingo if your state allows. Every year we have a turkey bingo the first week of Nov. Usually nets about $1,000.00. Try pancake breakfasts, cheap to do, good money maker. Dinners( spaghetti, steak fries, soup suppers etc.) Another huge money maker is a golf scramble. Takes a lot of work and some help from guys on dept. but if done right, you can make a pretty good hunk of funds for a days worth of work.Lots of ideas for you drop me a line glad to help out.
At our dept we have a team that is going to walk in the 60 mile 3 day cancer walk in Atlanta. We are doing boot drives, pancake breakfasts, and so far our biggest maoney maker has been t-shirts. We worked out a deal with a local printer and we had dept shirts made up on pink shirts. For those in our dept, ems, or leo our shirts are exactly the same, but on the back around our maltees cross it says "because saving lives is more than just putting out fires" . Now for those not in our dept the backs are the same but there is no EMT life star on the sleeve and on the front instead of our logo there is an outline of a ribbon that says supporter over it. Another thing that you may look into is having area churches do a bake sale etc that benifits your dept. However word to the wise if you go that route offer the opertunty to all the area churches that way no one can say favorites were played.

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