Help! I'm the EMS Lieutenant for my station and I'm trying to come up with some fun ideas for hands on training. I'm getting bored so I know they are too. I've done Jeopardy....I want to keep everyone interested but let them have some fun doing it too. We are fire/ems.


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I have used our command vehicles and fire trucks (the big ones are fun) in mock accidents. Use dummies (made our own ) for victims or sometimes ourselves (always gives you a new dimension when you are the patient. We have thrown wiring across the car for simulated down wire, use ketchup for blood to indicate contact points for mechanism of injury. For fun do it in the dark or get your fire folks to throw up a little rain.
I think hands-on scenario based training is usually fun...Just having a crew come in with very little information dispatched to them and have them try and figure out what is wrong with a patient can be very interesting. As they assess the patient you can update their condition on a chalkboard and they can see how the patient is doing based on what they do or don't do (ex: patient's BP change etc...) mix up call types medicals, traumas really doesn't get boring. has a lot of powerpoints too under the drills section. Good luck!
sometimes we set up scenarios like CERT does. it works great. we use the little boy scouts for victims. it works out great for both of us AND is fun AND you get GREAT training

I really like your ideas towards the "situational awareness" of EMT training.

Purely because situational awareness is pretty much one of the most important aspects for EMT Training, because hey, if you don't suss out the scene, chances are you won't be able to carry your duties and most likely become another patient.

"Better them than you, better one than two"
for inside stuff on bad weather nights where safety might be a concern along or aside from jeopardy try applying that concept by use of a dry mark board draw a street or structure set wind directions..time of conditions so on so on..then team up members to duty crews and have them as a team sit in groups and write the response ,crew,units,staging,mutual aid and what ever else you can toss at them make them all take the ic seat and explain their actions to your scenario..on active drills put the ladder up and do a roof rescue in stokes off ladder..your only limited by imagination..oh and super important..ask them what they want to try they can't get bored with their ideas
Try a very simple "game" I call it my scavenger hunt....Make a list of items found on your vehicles and have people go find them and write down where on each vehicle they are located...You would be amazed at how many senior members that can't find certain things.....then next time out actually pull one vehicle out of service and not only go through it but have people actually demonstrate the use of items....we had a great time doing this and had a few "oldtimers" scratching their heads when using a hose clamp and adding a length to a charged 2 1/2" line. Can you find a 2 1/2 reducer...? Where is the 2 1/2" adapter for the neighboring department..? (they had different threads on their lines and hydrants)Whats in your hydrant bag?.....where is it? Use you imagination.....Paul
This one is for spinal immobilization, but works best in small groups (2-4). Have one member go somewhere in your station and lay down. You pick the location, the mock patient gets to pick the position. The crew then gets to select what they think they will need off of the rig for the call. They are going on a man down. When they get to the patient they have to immobilize them safely.

Did they bring the right equipment for the situation? How about the location? Are they able to successfully move the immobilized patient back to the apparatus bay?

The key here is for the instructor to take notes, and not intervene unless something really unsafe is about to happen. Then all the teams are debriefed at the end. For us we have options of different rigs carrying different equipment. Obviously different equipment being used for different calls. We also have the factor of different drivers being able to drive different rigs. So there are enough variables to make up nearly endless scenarios.

One good part to the students is that this is a building that they are familiar with but may not have ever noticed it the way you need to think when packaging a patient.
I'm having the same dilemma.
If you have a dummy or someone who will act as a patient, when people come in for the training and settle down just calmly give them a "dispatch" type scenario. have someone/dummy laying somewhere and give them just a the basic info that a dispatcher may give. Then have them respond like they are doing the real thing. You pick what the ailment or problem is and as they ask, give them a little more information to go on so they can use skills to treat appropriately. Have them go through stuff like collaring, splinting, vitals, back boarding, etc. Its a good drill to work a lot of skills an incorporate several people. Run it like a real scene: an IC, medical operations, safety officer (give them an environment or location so they can put in their 2 cents), go-fers, etc. At the end, debrief and critique it.

Its just an idea. I hope I didn't make it seem like this was "the thing to do" it was an idea that popped into my head as I was trying to come up with some training ideas. If it helps, I'm glad. If not, I'll try harder next time ;)

Ive seen a lot of good ideas, one variation that I just used 2 weeks ago was I brought my 6 year old son into the station for training time. I used him to simulate various senarios. I had him in the training area while we reviewed all sorts of "boring" stuff. What we simply call our rates ie heart, resp, artificial ventilation etc. Well needless to say he was wound up (on purpose I didnt give him anything to do) Then I told him he was going to pretend to be the patients kid. Those of us that have spent any time in EMS have had a call where you have to deal with either a borderline or completly out of control child.

The other thing I did was used him to act as a peds patient. I showed some of the newer people helpful hints in dealing both with the peds patient and the Parent that is frantic.
Been there and done that....LOL...Hey, wait a minute...I know.... everyone gets naked and blondfolded...then they grope around till they find someone and then try and do an assessment.......??? Naw that's been tried already I am sure by someone..........
I'm strictly first response but perhaps Ralph or one of the other more experienced people can address the finer details on how to do this. We used to get a local theatrical company involved in mock scenarios. Some of the actors would play the parts for the scenarios , patients, relatives ,by standers etc. They also would do make up that was very effective ,including manufacturing fake blood distributed to wounds in hidden I V tubing One group hung a hot water bag under the clothing,around the neck. Filled with pea soup it produced an effective vomiting scenario when pressed by the patient. Do the scenario out doors so you don't ruin the carpets LOL. The burns and wounds they produced were amazing and they liked the acting experience they gained. Also try running it as a special training event on say a week end so you have more time to do it.
Eventually the scenario that I started turned into an annual event involving all agencies and even a community college. A military base if close by also can ad to your event, they train their medics realistically as well.

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