My name is David Riess, a Volunteer FF from the Hines Vol Fire Dept in Eastern Oregon,
USA. I am asking you all to please help us in our quest for a new engine.
We have found ourselves as one of seven finalists in the E-One fire apparatus Engine give-away "Tell us your story" contest. Designed to find the most deserving fire department story in the
Country, the manufacturer will give away a brand new engine on April 24 at the FDIC in
Indianapolis to the Fire Department receiving the most votes. FREE!
Seven fine communities from around the Country are hoping to win a new Fire Truck, something
financially unreachable for these small Volunteer Departments. We at Hines VFD, are proud of
the jobs we have been asked to do and the tradition of brotherhood that goes along with it, even
for a remote, rural volunteer department. Since we live in such a remote and unpopulated area
we need help from our Brothers and Sisters in the fire service. Just this last month, we have had
2 of our 19 members who are in the Oregon National Guard, deploy to Iraq, now serving our
Country as well as their community. . Our local unemployment rate is over 20% after nearly every
manufacturing job has disappeared over the last 8-12 months. We have struggled with AFG
vehicle grants for many years and seems we will never be in a position to upgrade our fire
apparatus outside this contest opportunity.
I am asking that you pass my note around to your members and of our need for help from
our friends in voting for the Department most deserving of receiving this new E-One pumper.
Here is the link with the Hines Volunteer Fire Dept story, after you vote a confirming email is sent
to each person voting that you must complete to have your vote counted.
The link to the contest stories are here:
We hope you and your membership will vote for our story at the Hines, Oregon VFD, but use your
judgment in deciding who is most deserving. Please network this around, as this is now a
popularity contest. Voting ends at 1pm CDT, so please go vote now before time runs out.
My regards and thanks,
Lt. David Riess
Hines VFD, Oregon, USA