My department is looking at forming a medium rescue unit. Would appreciate suggestions on tools we should purchase or brands that work better one way or another.

Thanks Matt Lacey

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What kind of rescue do you generally do? Do you get more vehicle accidents than any other type of rescue? You need to tailor your rescue unit to what you need it for,

If vehicle accidents are your main type of rescue a good start is to do research on hydraulic rescue tools and different manufacturers. Get them to come and demo their tools so that you know what fits your needs the most and which ones you like. Then look at other equipment for stabilization such as cribbing, struts, ect.

Also if you plan on using it for fire consider what types of saws, hand tools, sets of irons, stokes basket, and other equipment you might need.

In the end it comes down to what you need in your area.

Ok, thanks that is what I have found with the research I have been doing the past couple of days. Basically we are looking at expanding into auto extrication. The way I worded that was how it was presented to me and I asked on here before I started my research which in retrospect probably wasn't the smartest thing to do but oh well, but thanks again.

Make sure you take some time to look at lots of tools.  Don't get the first set that everyone thinks look cool.  There are a lot of brands out there with a lot of pros and cons between them. 


Also, when deciding what tools you're going to carry, don't get too carried away.  A lot of times departments try turning a rescue truck into an "everthing we're trained for and could possibly encounter truck." 

As  you see Matt research of both your requirement and then your specs will be key.If you purchase equipment a demo is important,but check what training you can arrange and the cost of the training this will come at the best price prior to purchasing possibly free. Also you will find what brand works well for some won't for others. How ever I will say we run TNT hydraulic rescue tools and they have served us well. Give a strong look at your scene lighting you will use it on all night calls  both fire  and rescue . I guesse I'm not being too helpful but unless I know what niche  you want your unit to fill I can't be more specific sorry Matt

In addition to determining your needs and evaluating those against your equipment list consider looking at NFPA requirements for a service truck  and also what a mutual aid company can bring to the table.  ISO will give points for a service truck  and that might help your departments and community ISO rating.  

Looking at what a mutual aid department carries is two fold. First there mat be some things you do not want to duplicate if a mutual aid company can respond quick enough. Conversely you may wish to augment what they bring with what you carry. For instance: when we looked at auto extrication  our neighboring department had heavy Hurst tools. We elected to go with lighter and quick deploment Holmatro that we could carry off road  if necessary.

We have a rescue body truck that currently provides air supply and scene lighting and has plenty room left in it for tool and other equipment. So the one thing we have currently is the platform to work off of. The mutual aide situation was actually the major contributing factor for us to look at start doing extrication. The department that we rely on for extrication currently has had issues having personnel available to respond any calls. We on the other hand average 12 members responding to day time calls and 18 for night time calls. Our goal training wise is to initially have 8 members trained including our 3 lieutenants.

Hey Mark I looked at the Holmatro system and i passed it along to the rest of they guys thanks alot!

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