Every year we look forward to our annual Fourth of July celebration. Mainly, because we shoot off a fireworks display for our community. We've had it taken away in the past because of insurance reasons but we restarted a couple of years ago. We send a few of our guys to a class, for our annual certification. Personnaly, I think it's an awesome event, where others are not comfortable with it because of sue happy people. How many of you shoot fireworks? If so, are any of you taking certain classes out there to be certified? Have any of you shot them in the past and because of insurance reason, turned them over to a pyrotechnic company?

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My first year in the Co they use to have fire works and a big pinic for the firefighters. Well one of the box tip over and a young women got hit in the chest. she did not get hurt and did get to mad at us we replaced her shirt. But that was the end that . as a chief and the one that would have answer all the qustions about what went wrong i would not let are Co do it. Unless they contract out to some who did it for a living. Other than that I am ok with fireworks its part of July four and anyone that wants to flat out ban them are full of POOP !
We have a full day of activities starting with a parade, then a festival in the park and end it with a fireworks show. A member of our department works for a local pyrotechnic company so he shoots off all of the computer controlled stuff. But he also offers a training class for anybody that wants to hand light the stuff that is not controlled by computer. We have had some accidents in the past where one of the five inch shells exploded on the ground, and we accidentally started a small grass fire but we always have a truck near the fireworks and an ambulance out on the street just in case.
We dont shot them off, leave that to the pro's, we do stand by with a pumper and charged line though. We had a miss haps at a local event where it killed 3 people and injured 30 people. It was very ugly, trust me, people lost arms and legs. This event was even done by the pro's but its never 100%. Talk about a lawsuit, now imagine if we were the ones who lit them off too.
We have two events during the summer where fireworks are set off. They are set off by the pros, and we have the trucks stage at different areas just in case. but as long as I have been doing the standbys we have not had any problems yet. I am usually with the brush truck, which is staged where they shoot off the fireworks. Usually someone has a video camera with and gets a video of the show. When the show is over the pros check to make sure everything went off and when we get the all clear, we go and check the area where they were shot off at and make sure we do not have any little brush fires starting.
The video camera is a great idea. Thanks.
I have some videos, that I am working on getting them into my videos.
Right on, that would be great to see. Thanks man.
I'm not sure if you have a large lake or pond in your commuity, but that would be a safe way fo setting off your display.
we dont shoot them off, but for some reason we allow the pyro company to store a large semi-truck full of them in the back parking lot of one of our stations. I guess they figure they are "SAFE" at the fire station. The have a security guard posted 24/7 til the move the truck. Funny thing...a couple of years ago I come on shift and find a pile of cig butts behind the semi where the guard has been sleeping...er uh ... guarding them all nite.....SAFE?
I love that designation..."Master Pyrotechnician"
I wonder if that is related to "Master Cylinder"....or maybe that is for word association!
I believe our community brings in people to set up and set them off, all we do is supply a tanker and brush truck, and of course a reserve medic just in case. I always look forward to the festivities.

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