So how many people out there think that we have the coolest job in the world? I have just recently joined this profession and in my past experiences with jobs, I know that every job has its ups and downs. What do you think is some of the perks of being a paid firefighter?

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Darrin, I am not sure about the coolest job in the world,
but definitely the HOTTEST job in the world, and to add
the most rewarding.
Your other question, as far as the perks of a paid FF,
Your getting paid to do something you love to do.
Its even better when you do it for free! Then you never lose the feeling and the reason why you do it, it never becomes "a job". Its a lifestyle, baby, the best one EVER!!
Its defintily something i am going to love to do.I am currently going to school for my firefighter 1 and paramedic.I volunteered for a year and it was the best feeling ever.

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