I am thinking about getting my department to host some combat games for other explorers. I have a few ideas for some challenges such as tapping a hydrant in the quickest time, but I am looking to all of you to kick in your imagination and possibly provide some awesome ideas.  Thanks in advance.

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Sounds like an awesome idea and hopefully a very successful one at that.
Have some hose carry timed races, and don't forget to have something EMS related as well, like CPR
I use to compete in a muster every year in a small town in MA. A few of the challenges were:

1. A midnight run where you started laying facedown on the ground in a team of 6 and when the alarm sounded you had to put all your turnout gear on coats, boots, pants helmet and gloves and then there were four stations 1 hydrant then 2 stations of a hose connection and then the nozzel man and the team would run down the field to their designated spots connect the hose and nozzel and knock down a target.

2. Was the same even except you were in just helmet gloves and boots or your shoes.

3. Was a bucket brigade were you sat in a row front to back and you had one person standing. At the sound of go the person standing would dump a bucket with holes in the bottom into a tank of water then pass it to the first firefighter then it would continue back passing the bucket over your head to the person behind you and so forth till you got to the end and had to dump into another barrel and fill it to a pre designated height.

4. Another one was we had two poles set up with a wire from one end to another (i forget how far apart the poles were) and they hung an empty keg in the middle and with 2 teams in full bunker gear one team at each pole with an 1 3/4 hose and a smooth bore nozzle and they would start with their streams in their air then when the starting gun went off they would drop their nozzles to the keg or barrel and push the barrel towards the other end and the teams would have to advance or back away depending on the barrel location. Basically a tug of war with water.

Those are just a few and I will contact one of the firefighters in the department to see if I can get you a full list of events and rules.

I hope this helps

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