I am just looking for ways to aproach a fire house rumor. The rumors deal with fires I have been to and if I deserve to be an officer when I apply for a spot. Normally it doesn't bother me, but it seems like it may stop me from being an officer. I believe I know who has started it and if so it is out of jealousy. Just looking for suggestions before I take it into my own hands. THANKS

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I have had plenty of rumors go around about me, some true most of them not. The best way I have found to combat them is to not play into the hands of those starting them. That is what they want. They are looking for a reaction From you. When you ignore it and keep on with what you are doing they become irritated and will eventually move on to a more vulnerable subject.
First off, not only are you the man, but the myth and legend as well. Seriously bro, people that start rumors are not what needs to be worried about, the rumors themselves are what (occasionally) need to be worried about. If this person is badmouthing your abilities or you personally, prove him wrong. If you know who has been spoken to by this person or these persons, speak with them and prove the rumors to be wrong. That, in many cases, will make whoever started the rumors out to be the bad guy. Ultimately, the people that have been told whatever they have been told, are going to form their opinions either way. The rumors may make them lean a little one way or the other, but again if you prove the rumors wrong, it will sway the opinions. Actions speak louder than words my friend and I would hate to see somethink like this get you down more than it already has. I'm sure we'll talk more about it later anyway.
Confront the suspected person in a professional manner. The best way to keep rumors from spreading in a fire department is by making sure everyone is notified of any important information, preferably by face to face meeting with the entire department at once time, or shift by shift, or station by station depending on size. However, if the rumor has nothing to do with departmental operations, and is based purely on an individual's opinion of your work performance, confronting them about it is the best way to deal with it. Hopefully everyone else at the department is seeing how this other person is spreading rumors about you, but doesn't have the spine to come up to you in a professional manner, and discuss your fire fighting technique at this particular incident. Don't make the same mistake. Just make sure to be polite and to the point when addressing this person, and in the end you will gain everyone's respect.
The first thing that will happen if you complain about it is you will be looked down upon by everyone involved. Being an officer (or in your case officer candidate) means you have to have thick skin. It means you have to see these rumors for what they are, rumors. If there is no validity to the rumor than keep it quiet and get back to what you do best.

Saying your going to take it in your own hands will only do one of a few things.

1. Get you suspended or shit-canned from the department. (and or assault charges filed)
2. Make you look like an idiot for blowing a gasket for a rumor.
3. Turn your fellow members off if you do get elected when you couldn't handle a simple rumor.

It is a firehouse, not a day care facility. Toughen up and keep moving forward.

Stay safe and good luck on your officer attempt.

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