it is neat, but I see it more as a training tool / Study guide. I would rather have my pump op. getting water to me not playing with his/her phone instead.
We agree. It should be a great training tool. Do you have an iphone or ipod touch? If so, I'll send you a code for a free app. We would like to get as much feedback as possible.
appreciate any feedback...we're still in the testing phase... mainly want to know:
1) does it do everything you want it to/think it should?
2) any other suggestions?
3) what should it cost and/or what would you be willing to pay for it? :)
This App will need a lot of work before it sees my iPhone.Mainly because like the rest of the world we work in metric! However, I'll give some thoughts just from the look on iTunes, these thoughts I think would apply if you made a metric version:
1. 'Dia' would be more used than 'width' when talking about hoses. Millimetres is the metric norm.
2. We estimate elevation in plus or minus metres.
3. If you do make a metric version, don't say 'Fog Tips' - most of us use combination branches(nozzles) with adjustable flow rate, you'd probably need to factor that in somehow.
On the plus side, I think it's a good App. We tend to estimate on the fly at a pump panel, which is fine for small jobs. When a job becomes complex, an App like this could be very useful. For people to say they'd prefer the calculator to be on the pump panel instead of the operators phone? Of course that would be better! But how many are willing to pay for it? As for operators playing games on their phones while at the pump. Really?