To everyone who is interested in Fantasy Football. I'm starting a fantasy football league on with only the firefighter in mind. That's right, Brothers & Sisters, Retired & Active, Truck or Engine Company, Volunteer or Career. Anyone who thinks that they can take down the firefighter nation down is eligible. Here's the catch...I only want the best in this league, (doesn't necessarily mean you need experience. But it helps.) Just send me an e-mail following this format...

Company Name, City, State:
Rank or Rank before retirement:
Have you ever been in a Fantasy League before? (live or online):
How did you do?:
What makes you think you should be a part of this league?:

Please shoot me this back in e-mail form to ASAP. I will be sending you an invite if your in. And if response is good, I might set up another league. This will be a head to head league. I will be setting up a website or other means to show everyone overall standings.

Lastly, you will also be notified on or by e-mail (however you choose.) of when the draft will take place. It is not a requirement to attend but it might be fun to get everyone together to draft live on

Now that's taken care of....Good luck to all entrants and I hope to be talking to you soon...

Any other questions about this league can be either send via my inbox here, or by e-mail.


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