On-Duty Deaths as reported by the U.S. Fire Administration
The U.S. Fire Administration announced in October 2012 the official on-duty deaths of five fire department personnel.
Lieutenant John Grabowski Riverview Fire Department, Michigan October 1, 2012 Lieutenant Grabowski was found collapsed in the parking lot of his second employer after his fire department shift had ended.
Fire Chief Larry D. Nielsen Gilmore City Fire Department, Iowa October 9, 2012 Fire Chief Nielsen was responding to a barn fire riding in fire department apparatus when he fell ill.
Battalion Chief Rob Van Wormer Cal Fire Santa Clara Unit, California October 27, 2012 Chief Van Wormer passed away from a cause still to be determined while on a work assignment in a neighboring jurisdiction.
Fire Chief Don Felton Southern Park County Fire Protection District, Colorado October 27, 2012 Chief Felton died of an apparent heart attack while at work in his fire department office.
Lieutenant Russell Neary Easton Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Connecticut October 29, 2012 Firefighters were removing part of a tree blown into the roadway by Hurricane Sandy when several other trees suddenly fell striking and killing Neary.
Fatality status is provisional and may change as USFA contacts State Fire Marshals to verify fatality incident information.