Hello Everyone,

      There is a rumor going around my department and some others in the area that the term "FILL THE BOOT" has been copywrited.  Does anyone know if this is true?  The Confusion around this has brought up some issues with fill the boots everywhere.  If it is copyrighted to the one use can we use the term for other things? 

  From what ive heard its the muscular distriphy foundation that has copyrighted the term so it is only for them and their use only.  Has anyone else herd about this?


   If this is true, what do we say or use now?      Fill the Helmets?  Fill the Turnout pockets? 

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This is a copyrighted term by the MDA for fundraising.


What are you looking for, collect donations for your own dept for its own use?



Yes we are a Volunteer department and we are trying to get a new fire boat.  We are not just using fill the boots we are trying for grants with no luck.

Chris, When somebody observes firefighters collecting money, using our turnout boots, the assumption is that the money is being collected for Muscular Dystrophy, not departmental use to secure things through donations. You can use boots to collect money, but you cannot call it Fill the Boot because of the assumption by the public that it is for MDA related activities. The MDA foundation identified this as an issue a long time ago and took legal actions to secure the concept and use of the words Fill the Boot. 

How about "Fill the Boat".....

Just use a smaller (of course) model fire boat with a slot to put $$ in. Then call it your own. Register it then trademark it. I want some royalties of course...:)

 bthats a good idea.  were thinking about using bouys

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