Well, it has been a while since I have posted. It has just been crazy and my time has been in short supply. As we all know, FDIC 2011 is here. It starts Monday the 21st of March and I plan on being there the entire week. I just want to make you aware of some of the things that will be going on at this, the greatest fire training conference in the world.
Of course, Monday and Tuesday are the HOT classes. The HOT, Hands On Training, classes are the great drills and evolutions that every firefighter dreams of. These are instructed by the the best instructors that the fire service has to offer. At this time, a great many are sold out, but check the listing and get in any of them, you wont regret it.
Tuesday night is the ISFSI social at Howl at the Moon. This event is for ISFSI members to meet, greet and socialize, and to have few drinks together. It starts at 6:00PM. If your not a member, get registered and take advantage of the great resources that the ISFSI offers fire service instructors.
Wednesday the classroom sessions begin and run through the rest of the week. I am going to ask you to try and check out the list below. These are people I know or have associations with and I believe that these will be some very worth while presentations.
The Ready Position
Engineer Christopher Brennan, Harvey (IL) Fire Department
The Ready Position is the point at which the capacity and capabilities of the Fire Service Warrior are in an ideal state of potential energy. Whether sitting in the firehouse at the kitchen table or in the recliner at home with the pager sitting next to you on the table, ideally, you will be ready to spring into action when an alarm sounds. Learn how to master the physical and mental skills of the Fire Service Warrior: Be 100 percent present when you enter into battle; have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to thrive on the fireground; and be prepared for the unfortunate should the worst-case scenario occur at an incident. ALL LEVELS
Room 234-235
Benefits of the Personal Harness and Escape System
Lieutenant Daniel DiRenzo, Cherry Hill (NJ) Fire Department
The focus is on incorporating these systems with personal protective equipment or self-contained breathing apparatus to rescue other firefighters or self-rescue. Students will become acquainted with the techniques for using this device as well as its capabilities.
Room 103-104
Power Saw Operations and Maintenance Tips
Firefighter Kevin J. Legacy, Fire Department of New York
Students will participate in proactive drills that will ensure safety and promote proficiency when operating saws. They will learn how to troubleshoot minor problems that may arise at the incident scene and that can make the difference between a successful or a failed operation. All aspects of saw maintenance are also addressed. ALL LEVELS
Room 236-237
How to Attack a House Fire
Lieutenant Ray McCormack, Fire Department of New York
A primer for extinguishing house fires according to their locations within the house and customizing the fire attack. Learn when, where, and how to apply your hose stream for maximum effectiveness in single and multiroom fires and fires involving stairways, hallways, attics, lofts, kitchens and bathrooms, basements, and garages. Tips on how to stretch up and down stairways, select the best location for the attack line, and combat fire extension. ADVANCED
Room 140-142
Flat-Roof Operations
Firefighter Nate DeMarse, Fire Department of New York
Attendees are shown a systematic plan of attack that will automatically prioritize the important tasks that must be done when operating on a flat-roof building. The skills needed to safely and efficiently perform primary duties on this type of roof are reviewed.
Room 103-104
Social Media: The Fire Service’s Next Big Innovation
Lieutenant Rhett Fleitz, Roanoke (VA) Fire-EMS Department
Learn the “in’s and out’s” of social media for the fire service. Many questions about these media (blogs, twitter, facebook, MySpace, YouTube, skype, podcasting, text messaging, and so on) will be answered. Learn to be proactive by developing a social media standard operating procedure. Become acquainted with some of the ways departments are using these media for recruitment, retention, informing journalists and citizens, and publishing news. The benefits and potential consequences for personal use of these media by employees are also discussed. ALL LEVELS
Room 134-135
The PIO Reporter: Telling Your Story in a World Where “Spin” Doesn’t Work
Dave Statter, Statter911 Communications, LLC
What you do before an image problem occurs may be more important than what you do later. Building reputation equity in your community could be the key to your survival when things go bad. In this “post-media world,” where the public can access news immediately on the Internet, the fire department can easily lose control of the message. Learn how to communicate so that the public knows what you know, when you know it instead of waiting until all the details are in. Learn how to take control, put out the bad news, build trust with the community, and repair your department’s reputation.
Room 125-126
Leading with Attitude
Eddie Buchanan, President, International Society of Fire Service Instructors
This class is about empowerment–making positive changes in your department and lives. It poses and answers the questions: What can I do about changing those things I don’t like about my job? Do I have to be a “yes” man to be a good “follower”? How do I deal with the officer, the negative guy, the bobblehead, the rookie—and myself? Participate in a rankless and nameless “gut check” that will reveal what you can do to improve yourself, your department, and the fire service today and for future generations.
Room Lucas Oil Stadium Classroom 2
A Firefighter’s Own Worst Enemy
Deputy Chief Jason Hoevelmann, Sullivan (MO) Fire Protection District
A look at how your actions, behaviors, and attitudes can contribute to your problems and those within your organization if you don’t recognize them and control them, and how supervisors’ human dynamics and interactions in the firehouse can transfer to the fireground. Students will be guided in how to ensure that they and their departments can be a fluid, clear, dynamic moving stream as opposed to a stagnant pond sitting in a farm field. INTERMEDIATE
Room 123-124
Understanding and Motivating Today’s Firefighters
Deputy Fire Coordinator Tiger Schmittendorf, Erie County (NY) Department of Emergency Services
Motivating today’s recruits is the focus. Gain insights that can be applied to all types of departments. Learn how to combat the challenges we face in the firehouse with solutions that are readily apparent. Share in the input from X-Box generation firefighters. Tips for attracting and retaining quality firefighters. ALL LEVELS
Room 105-106
Effective Use of Tower Ladders in Tactical Operations
Firefighter Nicholas A. Martin, District of Columbia Fire Department
Proper use of tower ladders in various fireground scenarios is presented. Topics include proper placement and deployment of aerial apparatus; integrating the aerial into the fireground effectively; and using the aerial in various scenarios such as gaining access, rescues, using elevated master streams, and performing technical rescue. Rear-mount and midmount devices and “ladder tower” vs. “tower ladder” are also discussed.
Room 238-239
Suburban Fire Tactics
Captain Jim Silvernail, Metro West Fire Protection District, St. Louis County, MO
Strategic principles related to the suburban setting are highlighted. Attendees are motivated to develop and establish effective preferred operating methods for structural firefighting. Students will get a glimpse of “how the rest of the country” is dealing with understaffing and adaptive strategic practices to establish consistent operations.
Room 120-122
Urban Tactics with Quint Fire Apparatus
Firefighter Nicholas Morgan, St. Louis (MO) Fire Department
The differences of applying standard engine and truck company emergency scene tactics with traditional engine and truck companies only, with all-quint companies only, or with a combination of all three types of fire apparatus are analyzed. The session includes a basic discussion about quints and their similarities and dissimilarities to traditional fire apparatus, the reasons some departments replace older apparatus with quints, and the relative strengths and weaknesses of quint apparatus for standard emergency scene operations.
Room 120-122
Although I recommend these classes, this is by no means the only people and topics you should go see. I am just asking that you take the time to come see these great instructors while they are available.
Since this post has gotten a little long I will end it with one more request; please register for the Courage and Valor Run. This is such an important event and cause. Even if you can’t or don’t want to run, your money for the registration goes to the Courage and Valor Foundation. If you hurry and register you get really cool t-shirt too.
Well, I hope to see you all at one of the many events that will be taking place. I will be at the ISFSI social and the meet up on Friday.
Travel safe and be careful. See you in Indy!
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