Do you love body extrications? Using the hose to supress a fire? Being buff and impressively strong? Let me know so I can see the pros of being a fire fighter.

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I like seeing the expression that comes over a face when they realize you are there to help them. That you don't want anything from them and aren't going to take any thing from them or make their situation any worse. You are there to help.

That look says things that words never could.
I would prefer never to respond. Face it no matter how well you perform usually you are part of the worst day of some one's life. We hopefully are able to minimize their loss and that feels good , but I could do with out and just enjoy the camaraderie we share as brothers in the house.
Um, body extrications? OK, Casey...I don't know you. I'll assume you just picked a couple things to throw in here as examples, or MAYBE you meant PATIENT (live patient) extrications from vehicles to take to the hospital. If that is the case, fine. I really hope you wouldn't consider the removal of dead victims from an enviroment to be a potentially fun, thrilling, or otherwise pleasurable aspect or benefit to this job. IF you truly did mean the extrication of dead victims, and consider that a possibly enjoyable task, then you need to stick with gory movies and video games, and leave the jobs involving people; to people who like and respect people as a general rule. If that's not what you meant, then OK, disregard.
Seeing the look on a persons face knowing a loved one is in good hands and will be ok.
The comradery. The closeness of fellow firefighters. Beats everything else you can do.
Some of you may not believe this but I love the training aspect of it. Sure the actual putting it into use is fun but there's always the down side of someone having a tragedy and that puts a damper on the fun. The training means that A: no one's actual house is buring down and B: no one is inside the car we are cutting up. So see all the fun and none of the tragedy that goes along with it. I love being in the burn building or training fire because not only does it made us better at our jobs, but it's a lot of fun as well. The comeradery is there because when you are all training together then you become a much better unit when the real time comes.
so I can see the pros of being a fire fighter

Every day is different.
You aren't pushing a desk.
You see the best and worst in people.
It's a hell of a feeling to help when things go bad.
The job consists of organized chaos.
It beats prison.
Pretty much John espically the part about prison lmao.
Being able to save peoples life and property before they lose one or both.
Yeah so about body extrications. I was thinking more along the lines of pulling live people out . Not dead people. Sorry if I creeped you out there.
It all sounds real good. Thats the kind of job I want,to be there for someone when they need it most , when the worst is happening . Thanks Reg Mathis , Chris Goodnight , blair4630 for getting me to realize I was talking about dead people , seth, Norm T , Michael Meadows , and Tom Wheland.
Can I add to it John

It beats workin behind a cash register.

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