We have an Fire Explorers post at our Department, (now before i go to far and get yelled at let me say i am for it and do not have an issue with it) My question is, what is the protocal of other departments in them making live calls. IE: Medical, Grass Fires Structure fires Etc:. Should they be allowed to run with you while you are working an active arrest with CPR in progress? Should they be allowed in the fire line of a structure? I am looking for things other departments do to get them active in the service besides washing trucks and cleaning the station. I for one do not think they need to be allowed to run active calls just because of the things we see and have to do. I do not think they should be allowed inside the fire line because of the danger, but i do think they should be able to make fires for ReHab for the Fire Fighters.
I'm Just wondering what kind of response i will get out of this. and remember, i am for it!! i just think there should be limits on what they should see.

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We have a junior fire fighter program in our department, and they are allowed to run active calls. They only true limitation is the are not allowed to enter hot structure fires. Our juniors have the opportunity to start taking their EMS classes in high school and they do. They are a great help at codes, they do compressions and that frees us up to do the other things that need to be done in pt care. I think it really gives them the chance to see what it is really like in the fire and ems field. Some people have it and really run with it and others decide that they are not cut out to deal with those types of situations. We just make sure and keep up with them and give them the opportunity to talk and vent after a rough call whether it is a fatal accident or a hard fire call. Then they learn to vent things and not keep it bottled up inside like so many do. So needless to say....the junior ff program has been a GREAT thing for our department. We even have other departments in the area noticing what a great thing program it is and implementing their own.
Alot of firedepartments have this going on.
Us explorers train it into our heads where stuff is.
I know in our post we sometimes take little quizes of where stuff is and what it is used for.
i completely agree with you
Your right i will abide by the rules and my department and it states that explorers our alowed to go on calls and which i will continue to do.

P.S. I have big fingers so its hard to hit the keys just right.
I Have a B+ Average In School
And I Spend Less than 2 hours at the firehouse a week.
I see a B+ average as pretty good (it's about what I was all those years ago), keep it up.

Big fingers, yes, I can claim that also. I use it as my excuse when I mistype. I just try to proof read accurately before I leave a post. Perhaps I may have been right earlier - your passion was in control while you were typing posts. Keep that passion, but it's like the adrenaline rush be get, we have to learn to control it.

I was about to add more thoughts and questions here, but that would truly hijack the thread. I'll start a new thread instead.
Good description Damnthing. You obviously have good control and good discipline for your Explorers. As Sean has posted, State law in NY doesn't allow this sort of thing. If your laws allow it, that's another matter.

I understand what you do, and can appreciate the benefits you receive. Personal opinion? I still don't like it. But that is only my opinion.
Thank everyone for there input. Although there is a few disagreements i think i have what i am looking for. I think the Explorers should be as much of the dept as possible with heavy supervision. As for running calls. I do NOT think any of them should go POV with any lights or sirens, that is just another call waiting to happen. they go only in a Fire Apparatus with a Team Leader (Pending a seat is open) and they stay at the truck and get tools ready as needed. when they turn 18 then they are able to become Part of the 1st team in.
Your department is much different than mine. Our officers are officers because they DO show up.
If extra pagers are available then okay, It really is not something they need only because if you are not at the station when the tones drop then you would not make the call anyway. But if you are like me you have pagers and 2 radios listening to other departments to see what all is going on. We have a Huge area that we are Mutual Aid for and i try to get a heads up on things.
We use the policy if a family member you our riding with has a blue light then your alowed to ride under it. And our other poicy with pagers is they cant be carried in school durring school hours. If you want a copy of our bilaws i can get some to you.
I agree with what you are saying but if we are going to be prepared we need to see what we are up against and what kind of stressors we can handle. I know its dangerous but the more training we have the better prepared we will be for our jobs. I am seriouse about what this program is about, and beleive that most of us explorers are in this program with the intentions of giving 100% of ourselves to the pursuit of our careers with the fire department.We are not in this for the fun of the program it is a calling for us and we want to be the best of the best and that requires intense training.

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