Knot Tying Web Link

I am not pushing this website for monetary gain first off... I came across this and was impressed with the ability to go step by step, on line in regard to tying many different types of knots.

Understanding that there are many junior or explorer firefighters out there, this web link will serve as an excellent resource to assist you in learning how to tie knots. And for old guys like me, an awesome reference to jog the old memory!

TCSS, Mike

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Great learning site Mike, I've had it on favourites for a while.

We don't do any high angle, mine or any other sort of specialist rescue in my Brigade, so only learn the handful of more common hitches and knots. Speaking of which, does anyone here know the difference between a knot and a hitch? I do, but I don't think I'll tell...
A knot is any fastening made with cords or ropes.
A hitch is used to tie a rope to a ring, spar, post, or other object.
Awesome, even after 10 years I'm still horrible at knots.
It's a good site, we have been using it for about a year I suppose. It's good for the basic classes when theyre first learning. Also helps out the ones who need a little refreshing from time to time
don't you just love the play by play how to stuff... great site...
Indeed it is. Thanks for posting this, I've book marked it and am already practicing again.
hehe Hey Mike whats the differance between a "Lanyard" and " Halyard" we had fun one night at the station getting our resident "blow boat" Captain with this...
Man, I posted that almost a year ago! :)

As it was, I found out a few months later, the guy lives about fifteen minutes from me. I had no idea! But you are right, this is a GREAT site.
A knot will stay secure and tight by itself. A hitch requires tension on the standing part or it will loosen.
I have been on that site and agree it is a great resource for step by step knot tying.I will sometimes be just sitting around an I grab my small section (6ft) and just tie some of the knots we use and I try to tie them without looking at the rope
Thanks I will def be using this one as I am working towards my FF1

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