OK, so I'm getting my emt-b and ff1 next year. I am doing it through a program called Youth Options which pays for me to go get these. BUT now I am hearing that I cant get my license for my emt-b until I am 18? (I live in WI) Is this true or is there somethign I can do differently to get my license? And do i have to be 18 to get my ff1 license? And if not, I'll get that next year, what does that qualify me to do? Will I be able to do anything with the fire department? I hope so! I'm an explorer now and I luv it, cant wait to actually get going. So I'm hoping there is some way i can get my emt-b license next year and do someting with the fire department. Either way I'm going through the emt-b class because it will help me later. Thankyou!!!

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Well, by the time I am done with it, i'll only b 16. ...or 17 idk .
National Registry is a type of cert. You have your state cert and NREMT. The NREMT just makes it easier to change states with your state cert if you ever move to another state. Otherwise you have to test with the other state
Ok. Thankyou.
I started out as a fire explorer with Miami Dade in Florida when I was 15. I took my EMT-B in high school too and had to wait till I was 18 to take the State test. I am pretty sure that is the magic age everywhere. But don't let it stop you. You have alot of time. Learn all you can and get the experience by riding as an explorer. It will help you. I then went to fire college out of high school and I was able to get my first paid firefighting job at the age of 18. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up. Best of luck to you. You are on the right path.
Here in Ohio you have to be 18 before you can take the test. If your birthday is close to the time of class they might let you start and just not test until you are of age. Explorers or we call the Jr. Firefighters can only help with clean up at a Fire Scene and they can come to the department training. They are not allowed to do much. And before you can respond to a call you must have a valid drivers license.
Ok. Yesterday I talked to my advisor, and he said as all of you are saying, I need to be 18 for both. BUT I can still take the courses next year. Next year I'll be 16 so I'll have a drivers license. But I'm just going to get as much schooling done now as I can, seems how i'm not paying for it. When I'm 17 I'm doing hazmat and emt intermediate.

Thankyou all for answering back!
Thankyou!! That gives me more hope...I guess I was just bummed because I was under the impression that I could start doing something with the department next year. But I cant. And I want to get right in it, I dont want to wait until I'm 18. It seems far away, but I guess it's really not. I love being in the explorers! It's an awesome program with awesome advisors. My advisors have been helping me pick out which college courses to take and things like that. I wish our meetings were once a week. Every 2-3 weeks is too long haha. But thankyou very much, you gave me more hope. I cant wait to get into the fire service, its what i've always wanted! I want to go make a difference in somebody's life and maybe save a life. Thankyou.
Yep in the state of MO you have to be 18 years of age to become an EMT-B, & yes with FF1/FF11
Your dept. should have an Explorer/Cadet program where you can do ride alongs & learn
Stay with it, you have the right attitude for the job. Good luck to you
Investigator Tom Green
Thankyou very much. As of cadet things, all i know is that after 6 months of being with the explorers, and if you're CPR certified, you can do ride alongs every 4 months. But I'll ask my advisor. Thankyou
National Registry certification "supposedly" allows you to practice as EMT anywhere in the US. You will still have to take the state test where ever you go( as told to me). When you complete your class, you will test out for the state cert., and should be given the opportunity to test for the National Registry. Some medics let their NR expire if they don't plan on leaving the state.
In PA you can be an EMT before you're 18, but have to supervised by an EMT or Medic over 18 until you're legal. Sort of like having your permit. I don't know if this is correct, but I let one of our jr's who was an EMT run his own calls, and I stood back and watched. He was in charge, I just suggested and reminded as appropriate. (This was done to me when I got my tech for awhile.) He even wrote his own trip sheets, and I just signed off on them too. Ask your fire department or department of health what the requirement is.
As far as FF1, I believe you will have to be 18. Most places require you to be 18 to participate in a burn session, which is required for FF1. Talk to your chief, and if he/she doesn't know, try to get in contact with the instructor. They will be able to fill you in on the requirements and if they can/will work with you. Stay safe out there. Stay frosty.

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