Are federal firefighters being effected by the gov. shutdown? If so, in what ways?

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Not getting paid and still reporting for work. We will receive back pay but we don't know when. The hard part is we have bills and such and have to dip into savings or those who live paycheck to paycheck are considering borrowing money. Hopefully this all ends before it gets to that point.

Hopefully your right and it ends quickly. Stay safe

Not only are we working for free all of our leave has been cancelled..if we are sick and have to call out that is an unpaid day off..and when we do receive our back pay it will be in one pay check with another pay period so we will be taxed to death and lose even more to love the government..
Two of my fellow crew members couldn't afford to drive to work anymore but were able to work out an arrangement to report to a FS duty station much closer to their homes. Two others didn't have that option, and are no longer reporting to work because they can't afford to commute; whether they will be back paid or face penalties is entirely unclear. I commute nearly 100miles per day, and also filed for hardship.I stated that I will continue to report for duty through this week, using my savings to do so, but after this week, and with no end in sight for the shutdown or a pay day, I will have to decide carefully. As a primary provider for my family, and with monthly living costs often exceeding my base salary, there will be a point when it will become irresponsible of me to show up for an employer that can't hold up their end of the deal.

It's a shameful situation Lindon. Hope it ends today. Stay safe

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