Our deptarment did our yearly physicals, hate but love them at the same time, do all departments offer physicals or is it up to you to do it. Our department offers them not all of our firefighters accept the offer but some do. Alot of the guys hate them because of the outcomes i dont mind them except the color blind test. I am not color blind but you cant see that well in a fire anyhow right??Whats the worse part for you?

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hey great topic. Gerogia has a rules committee that is looking into changing the min. rules to be a paid and vol. firefighter. right now to be paid you have to be certified under state laws. a vol. has a different set and is only registered with the state. the vol. can become certified if he meets the requirments of the state. my point? it requires a physical for paid at time of employment but none after that. the vol. does not require any. should this be left to the local concil of mandated by the state? before i get a lot of not needed info back let me explain my thoughts. State law requires the physical when hired but not later. ok i have no problem since it is state certifacation but for the vol. it is an unfunded mandate and if the local can't afford it i guess big goverment will bail us out. i would like the yearly physical and fit test and i am 53 yrs. old but we have a george washington budget not halmiton. oh back to the state, the committee has said that they want to come to a point that all firefighters will be certified by the state as a min. to include physical when first on along with a list of other things that cost money and don't have a way to pay for it. we need to police ourselves more in health and training and keep the larger govt. out of it. i believe that NFPA trys hard to do us a great job but look at what they just put into ff 1. this is the min. standard for a lot of dept. and is getting bigger and bigger. keep entry level just that and get the mindset to continue training till you die.

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