Do You Have to be SCBA-trained and have FFI to Look For Victims in a House Full of Carbon Monoxide?

When I am 16 and 17 years old and my department has a call for carbon monoxide.Would I have to stay outside if they are looking for people inside?I was just wondering how that worked because it is not a fire.

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YEs you WOULD..or Should unless your scotted up that stuff is oderless and will take you down as fast as the home owner. if you survive it the insurance company is not paying that visit to ER bro
Since we are looking at hazardous environments, can anyone give me a suggestion on how to make a hazmat awareness class interesting? I am teaching one Sunday. I've been looking over the material and have a few ideas but I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks and be safe all!!!
Well Capt...I feel for you....LOL...the only way I know of to make it "interesting" is either have strippers or booze.....LOL....(joke people just a joke)... seriously....I don't think it can be made interesting...Best of luck....Paul
First of all, Travis, have you had an upper body physical to determine if you are medically cleared to wear a respirator (SCBA)?
If not, then it doesn't matter when and where you should wear one. You should be reading the NFPA standards on personal protective equipment, the OSHA Respiratory Protection Program standard and scheduling an appointment with a physician for your physical.
Put the horse in front of the cart. Many of your questions are well beyond what you will be learning in the early days of your training.
People here might stop slamming you if you pull back to the starting point of a newbie in training and look, listen and learn.
Mix in some of these throughout the class.... has some cool free games

You could do a Hazmat Jeopardy on a chalk/dry erase board or a similiar game with 2 teams using the ERG

The new ERG 2008 video is good and free online

U.S. chemical safety board videos are good you can see them all @

Find out and clarify what specific haz-mat risks you have in your due area.
Find some (related) case studies, to show what happened, how and why.
Discuss typical products found in homes/garages and how they can act, react, interact and synergize.
Failing all of the above, Paul M's suggestion of booze and strippers is almost failproof. (Know your audience)
LOL! I know my audience and I know that the strippers and booze would definately help!!! I thought about taking in some household cleaner bottles and discussing their hazards, since no one really thinks about those. I have 2 guys that work around hazmat all day. One works at a grain elevator and one works for a fertilizer company. I thought about pointing out those two places and discussing the hazards there, mainly by letting them point them out, just to see if they can point out the obvious.
Can you well probably.... but should you.... NO

Bottom Line is it is an IDLH Atmosphere - therefore anybody regardless of their age not certified in many many aspects like FF1, SCBA, NIOSH Fit Tested, and HAZMAT trained have nothing to gauge the risk / gain aspect of GO / NO GO entry.

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