Right now I have a female junior firefighter telling me she's angry about being suspended from her fire company. (she's on a completely different department)

She got in a fist fight with another female junior ON A FIRE SCENE.

How do I explain to her that she is LUCKY to only have a two week suspension from calls?

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i was suspended and got two months and it was for saying inapproite things
At my station a junior firefighter was suspended a month for just exceeding the speed limit coming to a call, Not to pass judgement but I think they might of been a little easy on her, My Chief would have suspended her until an association meeting then have had the association kick her out
Hi Adam, There lies a much bigger problem here.

Apparently it started with a nonsense argument, then escalated to one saying she wouldn't save the other in a fire at which point the other came out swinging.

One won't save the other? Come on, First and foremost we're trained to work as a team, protect one another and support one another, at all cost.

We're not in the business to pick and choose who we'll save, protect or provide service to!
Were here for each other and if she can't except that she's in the wrong business.

If she and the other JR. has this attitude now what will it be like later? They need some help more than you can give. Counseling is a must here.

Two week suspension....she's luck that's all she got. Fighting in public surely gave that FD a bad PR venue. Can you imagine what's being said by the community members that witnessed this. Hell, these people pay the taxes that support the FD.

Can you imagine what questions they are asking themselves........."What else goes on in the FD we don't see?, Is this how they all act if the disagree? etc.

Why was a Jr. FF on the fire ground? She should have been at a water source or back at the station waiting to provide help at the station.

I would have had them both removed from the scene, then written up and requested to have them removed from the FD......NO QUESTION ABOUT IT!! There is no place for individuals with that type of attitude and quick temper.

Good luck trying to get through to her. May be you should let her read some of these reply's and she'll see and appreciate just how easy she got off.

Good luck. Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.

she should be lucky to get 2 weeks,we would get the shaft for that one
Put it this way...a Department runs on discipline and trust....if you cannot do your job when needed because of disagreements with another member then someone has to go.....Life sucks...but lives depend on us doing the right thing at the right time...fighting at a Firescene is NOT the time nor the place.....Don't like it....??? There's the door....Any questions.....? Paul
Yeah shed be gone. She is lucky. I would NOT want to work with a girl like that. I have no time nor the patience for girls like that.
that is disappointing okay. she needs to be told to her face that she is lucky. if that had happen to anyone on company we would have been suspended form ever coming back to the firehouse. That is uncalled for i mean if i were you i would tell her to quite ranting and to be quiet. She made the fire dept. she is on look bad and she is lucky to still be on. 2 week suspension. NOT BAD AT ALL.
and if she is talking smack on her dept. she need to be dismissed immediately.
that is really disappointing.
wow her department is really lenient, if she were in bagdad she would be off... no questions asked. we have never had a fight on scene but if there is one at the firehouse, or school or anywhere and our advisers found out she wouldn't be coming back
well she should be luckie she only got that i mean she could have been told she could never go on another fire call at all i mean they should appreacheat the chances they get becacue i was with a explorer post for norfolk before i came to colorado and the fire chief would not even let us ride with the dept even thought we where all 72 hrs away from state cert as fire fighter 1 i mean these kids who have the chance to do it dont need to take it for granted because the ones who cant do that look up to them
If that happened on a scene or at the station they would have been thrown out of the department there is no excuse for that type of behavior.
veryyyyyyyyyyy long suspension and return with restricted privileges. in my dept. it would be complete removal from the dept. how is a bystander going to know if thats a junior or a senior member? that would tarnish the professionalism that we work hard to attain and maintain.

watching FF's fist fight must be mortifying "if they're knocking the crap out of each other than who's fighting the fire???"

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