Right now I have a female junior firefighter telling me she's angry about being suspended from her fire company. (she's on a completely different department)

She got in a fist fight with another female junior ON A FIRE SCENE.

How do I explain to her that she is LUCKY to only have a two week suspension from calls?

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If this is what she is upset with then just let her be.....you don't need somone like that....what will happen when someone yells at a fire about something...?? will she go off and pout...? A fight on a Firescene is NOT a little matter...it would be inexcusable.....Paul
well she's not on my fire company or even my department, I'm just trying to put things in perspective with her. "hey, you're lucky. most fire companies would dismiss you immediately."
Very well said Scott. I know she would no longer be at our station.
Wow that must have been a sight! Just like being in HS again, who said what about whom... Must have been an awesome sight for the taxpayer or the media if they were there. Great PR for the Department too. Was this preventable, absolutely!

See here lies the issue in which I have with Juniors or Explorers. "Maturity" and being thrusted into a scene or incident that they can NOT be possibly ready for. I know this is not how everyone feels or how their Junior Programs are set-up but in my department they are NOT official members of my fire department, nor do they follow our SOG's either.

The Fire Explorer post is covered under the BSA, the Post has their own policies, rules and regulations, officer's etc. They are NOT even covered under our city's insurance policies. So if this were to happen to one of them on our fireground, (which will NEVER happen) it would have to be handled by the Department Fire Chief and the Chief of the Explorer Post.

I personally don't need to add to my list of tactical responsibilities while managing a fireground, (which is already a dangerous and stressful environment) I don't need to add "babysitting service" as one of my tactical objectives to be covered on my checklist. This includes having them ride-a-long with the apparatus, not being certified, and possibly going into the IDLH and assisting the certified guys, when a fire is truly uncontrolled in the first few minutes...

This is why we do not allow our explorer's to respond directly to the scene either. Bottom line is maturity. Some here allow your juniors to respond on EMS calls as well. If this is because you need the additional help, or to fill out a crew, then you have some serious manpower issues. Can't be an EMT or certified FF1 or 2 until you are at least 18 years old. By that age, they are old enough to be full fledged members if you want...

Around here, they are supposed to respond flow of traffic, no lights or sirens allowed to be even on their cars, to the station and await an advisor, then assist with station duties or details as needed.
amen brother.

I told her something along the lines of "by fighting, you make junior firefighters look bad to regular firefighters, female firefighters look bad, and firefighters in general look bad to the public. The folks on your company had enough to deal with without breaking up a fight between you guys. You're lucky you weren't dismissed."
Ditto. Excellent words. Wow, a cat fight at a fire scene. Were they fighting over you, Adam? :o)
Well Joe, I do believe I'm a little old for the juniors to be fighting over. lol

Apparently it started with a nonsense argument, then escalated to one saying she wouldn't save the other in a fire at which point the other came out swinging.

I talked to their captain (I tend to hang out with a few people in their firehouse) and he laid down the law telling her "That is your sister firefighter. I don't care what she's said or done, if God forbid she's caught, you WILL do anything and everything you can to help her or you have no place on this department."

They both received suspensions with further action to follow. (probably formal apologies etc.)
She has to realize that she is on public display when in uniform. That includes PPE on scenes. The PUBLIC, which tends to be drawn to scenes like moths to a flame, can not tell the difference between a junior FF and the chief of the dept. This is probably the second worse thing she could do PR wise for her dept. Hopefully she will learn and grow from this incident. If not, she is going to have a very short career.
Just tell her the truth it may hurt but she will remember it. Or she will quit either way may not be bad
I agree. Obviously she is too young and does not realize that we in the fire services are family. You do not act like that and true she makes everyone else look bad on her company along with making herself look bad
shes lucky that it didnt turn into anything bigger than that. lucky that there wasent news crew coming in and getting that on the breaking news. phh yeah right fighting? if she was in my post i wouldnt had her gone for at LEAST a month. in the explorer post that i am the captain of i can suspend the explorers for behavior like that,

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