I don't know if I am posting this in the right area but I am a new firefighter, have only had my card since december and I have only been on one fire. I am having problems with anxiety off duty about the job and about working a fire. I struggled through my fire class, I did everything that was required but I really struggled. Does anyone have any suggestions that can help relieve my anxiety about the job? I am attending traininigs and doing extra training to learn equipment when I am at the firehouse but it's not helping much. Any suggestions?

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Just relax and believe in yourself, I had almost a 'similair' feeling at the beginning, I talked alot with my buddy's about it....just some times.. on certain calls..the feeling is still there just a little!!

But when you're on the job.. you know perfecty what to do.. just have faith in yourself!!

Stay safe!
just be cool take in all the info and roll with it. it will come to you just takes time its ok to feel the way that you do it took me a long time to relax and roll with it i know that you will do just fine

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