If this guy is actually a member of this Fire Department, he absolutely should be wearing correct PPE. If he isnt apart of the Department, why is he up there in the first place?

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1. Still no on both accounts.
1a. You're tired and cranky but still, yelling? Loud voice, weak argument
2. You can't be expected to think of everything, Captain!
Just to let you know I have set all my profiles on all the websites to private.
Wow! Talk about scene control! Where is Safety? The ladder is definately the dept's....you can barely make out the hooks that are folded in at the top...I dont think the resident would have a roof ladder. This my brothers, is how people get hurt....freelancing!
Really thick long gloves.

Safety didn't get there yet. Apparently the resident availed himself of the department's ladder.


I'll get back to you when I get back in the mood. (Well, you know what I mean.)
Ummm, Capt723 ... ever tried carrying a scared and pissed-off cat down a ladder? If so, I think you will find the answer would be full PPE!! They bite, scratch, and pee on you - and those are the happy ones!
Looks to me like maybe they should have given ol' boy an app when they got done.

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