Tone is for a reported Barn Fire. Been there and done that right? Well many brothers have been seriously hurt of killed at "just a barn fire" incident. I have seen some department's go to a defensive surround-drown operation and lay off the serious focus of identifying potential hazards, allowing reduced PPE or no PPE? and even letting the juniors step up and train a hose for a while...
Witnesses at this incident reported hearing something inside the barn "venting" and then later KABOOM... a flying missle with one hell of a barb attached. This is just one reminder of MANY MANY personal safety hazards associated with fire suppression in garages, barns or industrial occupancies.
This bottle contained ARGON from a cutting torch set and had been located inside a barn fire that was touched off by a lightning strike. The bottle was NOT hit directly by lightning but later exploded as the result of the fire and heat exposure and traveled through a wall before landing against another building about 50’ away. The wall thickness of the steel bottle is nearly ½”.
So I ask, what have you seen as a close call? I am sure the members of Firefighter Nation have many photos just tucked away in a computer from past incidents... we are all here to network and educate eachother. So PLEASE let's share your experience(s).