Tone is for a reported Barn Fire. Been there and done that right? Well many brothers have been seriously hurt of killed at "just a barn fire" incident. I have seen some department's go to a defensive surround-drown operation and lay off the serious focus of identifying potential hazards, allowing reduced PPE or no PPE? and even letting the juniors step up and train a hose for a while...

Witnesses at this incident reported hearing something inside the barn "venting" and then later KABOOM... a flying missle with one hell of a barb attached. This is just one reminder of MANY MANY personal safety hazards associated with fire suppression in garages, barns or industrial occupancies.

This bottle contained ARGON from a cutting torch set and had been located inside a barn fire that was touched off by a lightning strike. The bottle was NOT hit directly by lightning but later exploded as the result of the fire and heat exposure and traveled through a wall before landing against another building about 50’ away. The wall thickness of the steel bottle is nearly ½”.

So I ask, what have you seen as a close call? I am sure the members of Firefighter Nation have many photos just tucked away in a computer from past incidents... we are all here to network and educate eachother. So PLEASE let's share your experience(s).

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Not really a close call, but something to be mindful of is an ammunition supply in a burning structure. Many times I have seen and/or heard rounds "cooking off" in a fire. I don't know that they pose a very serious threat, but full PPE is the best bet for minimizing injury. For those who haven't experienced this, it sounds like popcorn being popped.

Last year we burned an acquired structure, and at the height of the fire something inside let loose with a BANG that made everyone jump. The owner (a LEO) had made a thorough search prior to the torch date. We did too before lighting it off, but I guess we missed something. My guess would be a 20 lb propane cylinder.
Your so right FETC. This is a great reminder.
Thanks TJ.

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