Germanium tetrahydride

Why this example our of all the toxic gases out there? If one (1) of these tanks had the contents released in the city of San Jose for example, how many people in a hypothetical population of lets say 750,000 would survive? 25 years ago, I learned ata toxic gases conference that maybe about six people... and only about 25 if the military is brought in would be able to survive. One of the reasons for the high fatality rate estimates is the need for several whole blood transfusions for each patient. There is only so much blood to go around... 

So, who lives and who dies? Prevention is the answer here. Don't get yourself in a position where you have to ask the question. This is where Fire Prevention comes in.

Silane Tank, what's left...

When looking at building occupancy types, the H-6 Occupancy is the one to look out for because it's these occupancy types that perform semi-conductor manufacturing operations. There are other nasty toxic chemicals and gases that could truly ruin your day. Just look up Silane for example... talk about reactive, sometimes... In fact, don't waste your time, check this out...

Silane Tutorial:

Silane MSDS:

Silane "FIRE" Potential:

Learn something new everyday!


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SHIT , no wonder I don't sleep well anymore.
BZ, is effective Shelter In Place factored into your statistics?
The point of the discussion was to reveal the toxic properties of one cylinder of this stuff. Did I embellish any of the facts? Nope. I thought this was outrageous at the time and still do. But the fact still stands that this stuff is toxic enough to travel in a plume and affect people not protected...

When I was told this, and it was years ago, the concepts of sheltering in place were not around. You and I both know that this is one of the most effective methods for mitigating a hazardous materials release, especially when it's a toxic gas as discussed. I'm hoping someone out there besides myself has some experience with these types of incidents.

Thanks for bringing attention to the key point of this post, which is some things in just one cylinder can be really, really nasty.

Capt. Bz (retired),
Clearly, silane is some badass stuff. But the other one...

oh wait...never mind.
funny... very funny... :D
This isn't so bad, either. Cows eat the stuff that comes out of these.

If the cows can eat it, how is this stuff going to kill an entire town?
Hmmm... there's something just not right about this picture... if I was thinking along the lines of Freud, it would appear that... never mind, don't ask, don't tell.

Geez... a guy tries to put together some meaningful dialect, all aimed as saving lives, and what do I get for the effort? Flowers and a grain silo that looks like a giant d...

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