OK so last night I got my tucas whooped during drill which was, packing up, taking a hydrant, pulling a pre-connect, and attacking a car fire (repeatedly).  I had fun (except for loading the hose bed).  I asked some questions, while some were answered some were not.


Besides approaching at a 45 degree angle from the front, how else would you approach safely to attack a fire in the engine?  What is the safest way to open a hatch back?  If you are not a car junkie how would you be able to tell if it is a hydrid/electrical?



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Good article. Thanks
Why are you hitting a hydrant on a car fire? You only need to approach from the 45 if the bumper is loaded. Meaning the car has hit somthing with the front bumper & this depends on the yr and model. As for the hatch back, if the car is on fire we just break out the back window.
It was task performance night. We have three stadard that we do and two random.

Standard is taking a hydrant, packing up, pulling a preconnect.

my other two were setting up an attack on a burning car and setting up a ladder.
Great video!
You take a hydrant on a car fire? How much water is in the engine? 500 gallons should put out any car fire. What is the ladder for?

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