I've been flipping through utube videos all night, and i am amazed at how many times departments can be seen at a car fire and not using full structural ppe, to include scba. My question is are there really that many departments tha dont require this? Full ppe should be required to be worn at any car fire, do these people just want to die young? everyones thoughts

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I always make my guys where an SCBA on car fires. I do not wear one unless I am in the hot fighting fire. There is alot of nasty stuff burning during a car fire. Some people don't use thier head other than as a helmet holder!!!!
Honestly, I can remember long ago when we didn't. Car fires were kind of like the cat in a tree call. Happend all the time, no one went except me and maybe one or two of the young, new volunteers who went on EVERYTHING. We didn't think anything of it, and weren't corrected, so we didn't wear them. After a few years, and some wise old dog smacking me upside the head and pointing out the obvious, I can't imagine anyone hitting a car fire without an SCBA. Of course, those were the days when we didn't wear latex gloves to medical calls, and nomex hoods weren't worn either, because "how were you supposed to know when to get out if you couldn't feel your ears starting to burn?" The only reason I can imagine they wouldn't is because some people are all about doing it the way they learned 50 years ago. Thank God I learned better!!
well your out in the open so you stand up wind from the fire lol you should wear packs because of the toxic stuff thats in a car
I agree with you sir. There are many things that could go just beyond routine with any car fire. Struts explode, tires blow up and airbags dissentigrate. There are just too many variables that require full PPE. It's your body, protect it as BEST you can for christ's sake. Sort of a reply to the comment made before me, a little bit of smoke? Sure, most of us would probabyl wear the housefire deordorant if they made it, but at the same time, what if there's something in the back of that car, or hidden (bio-chemical attacks are very real and can happen ANYWHERE,)? Now it's burning and spreading everywhere, including your lungs. Some of these comon materials when burned will kill faster than you can think. So SCBA's are not as dumb as you think ( I do understand your point though lol). Fire is fire, so it should be prepped for as such...
Mt department's SOP is full PPE (including SCBA) on everything but wildland fires. I know most departments have their packs right in the seat back. So while en route to the scene you can pack up and be ready by the time you get there. We had a car fire just a few days ago. All 4 ffs were fully geared and packed the second we stepped out of the engine. Just slow down and think what you could be breathing from a burning car.
Okay....We ALL know how dangerous and harmful vehicle fires are. My sincerest congrats to brigades that truly enforce their SOP's and always wear packs with full PPE. But let's be honest. Everyone knows as well as I do that the mentality "IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME"........or "JUST THIS ONE TIME" still is alive within brigades of North America. I've seen other dept's at a car fire with just their coats on and gloves and a helmet. You know what??..Their SOP's dictate that full PPE and packs are to be worn. "it's just a small fire".
My point is: Just like any other tragic event, it's gonna take an unfortunate death to make EVERYONE adhere to SOP's in their dept. that are not doing so now. Yes,... leadership, I think, is the key as well. You know what??.. YES...it WILL happen to you sometime and this one time is just when it will happen. If you are someone who sometimes or never wears full PPE with a pack, just think that EVERYONE in here can't be all wrong. Just wear your damn FULL ppe and a SCBA and go home afterwards.
Sry to all who read this ......seems a bit jumbled maybe......just trying to sort through all that I wanted to say.
As of Tuesday Night last week our dept. will no longer aggressively attack vehicle fires unless their is a viable life that can be saved........Defensive attack only.....Remember if you see fire the vehicle is a total loss anyway.

A good website to visit with a lot of info on vehicle fires...... http://midsouthrescue.org
My department doesn't require it and nothing is ever said to guys who don't. Most of the time the nozzle man will thank god. Tires and hydrolic cylinders blowing all the time, how stupid. I work in a college town and it drives me nuts when the nozzle man doesn't mask up for a dumpster fire. We don't know what's in there! Did those drunk idiots throw something in there like a bunch of aresol cans to watch them go boom. Have you ever seen soup cans or glass spagetti sauce jars explode and we got guys sticking their faces over a "simple" dumpster fire. Air is free, well sort of. Take that 2 minutes to use the $30,000 dollar compressor the city bought to fill your bottle. It's just being lazy or trying to look cool.
right, the only difence is whether you need a regular hook or a flat bed.
We wear SCBA on car fires. I think Jenny is joking in her response about "It's just a little bit of smoke" I have also seen video wear they don't wear it. I also agree with Todd, If the car is on fire, it is a total loss anyway.

I agree its stupid, Like doing overhaul in a structure after the fire is out. People are notoriuos for not wearing an SCBA, I used to be one of them, until I matured in the fire dept. People need to get smart not tough. tough doesnt protect you, smart does.
if you don't like what you see in the videos.....maybe you shouldn't watch them. Just seems like common sense to me.

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