I'll start out with a little bit of background about my department and how this came about. I work in a combination department. I am 1 of 11 paid firefighters and we have 7 stations and an EMA building. we work 9 hour shifts(4 stations are 0700-1600, 1600-0100, and 3 stations are 0800-1700; all Mon-Fri) 1 paid person on shift at a time.All the rest of the county coverage is volunteer. A few years back a volunteer chief took the weed whacker home for personal use and when confronted about it lied and got caught and dismissed from the department. So the chief of the department had camera's installed in this single station(6 cameras all in the station and bays, none outside). I completely agree with this as a way to help prevent theft.
    So the issue's that i have with this is at the current moment are these: 1) there's no sign's at the station stating that the premisses is under surveillance, 2) at the moment only 3 camera work. 1 in the bay and the 2 inside the living area/office of the station, and 3) the chiefs can all pull up the feed at anytime and watch us at the station during the day. I personally have only had this happen that i know of once because a volunteer was at the station and i got a phone call from one of the chiefs telling me to inform the volunteer to sit the recliner up and to do something while at work.
     My question is what is your feelings on having every move you make watched through out your shift and with technology that they preach is only for security from theft, do you think that it is being abused?

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We have cameras at every entrance, security is always important in whatever we do. Safety is job 1 and who knows, there are a lot of idiots out there. We also have them on our bay doors watching apparatus to review responses and watch the stall doors if they don't get closed and something happens. But in the living, eating or TV areas, that's just unacceptable in any case period! Is there one on the station candy jar too? I feel bad for you, sounds like your chief has way to much free time if he's watching you and telling you all where you can and can't sit! You need a union or a stronger one!

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