Curious to know what everyones call volumes are yearly. My station runs about 1500.

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Matt, our home town back in in '73 and '74 had 24 runs both years. That made the company I was a vollie at when I was in the AF seem busy with 150.

my station we run anywhere between 170-195...this past yr we ran a record 227.


3,217 this year. 300+ at station 3. The rest at station 1. I wish I was making that up haha.

My last Engine run about 3000 a year, 90% were medicals

last year we responded to about 1050 calls none of them are medicals and last year was right around average. 7 of those were fires being ours or mutual aids. we are 100% volunteer

We ran more calls in 2011 then we have in the last 10 years according to records. 242 calls. Up from 217 in 2010. It seems like each year we have gradually been getting a more and more calls. 15 of the calls were structure fire.

On target to hit 6000 this year with my engine. about 90% EMS.

2011 we ran 550 calls

My stations averages about 450 a year give or take

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