I was curious as to what other depts. allow regarding blue (or red is some states) lights. I am at 2 depts. and the smaller one lets me use blue lights and the larger one doesn't. What is you departments policy? Do you think it is a good idea for jrs to run lights?

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Jr's using emergency lights is never a good idea. the bigges reason being that they havent obtained much experience driving under normal conditions much less emergency traffic, next are the simple facts that 1. your P.O.V.'s do not carry water, pumps, SCBA, or other needed equipment. 2. Jr's (atleast in my state) cannot perform interior attacks so ther is no need to rush there will be plenty for you to do once you arrive. 3. You are no good to the department or victims if you cause an accident while responding to a call (you have only created a worse situation).

I tend to agree with some of the other post here that there are some full members of departments that do not need to run emergency lights either. All too often we have to call members down or impose disciplinary actoins due to irresponsible driving.

in closing, pleas remember that if you are allowed to run emergency lights it gives you no rights to break any traffic laws and only requests the right of way. please always operate your vehicle with "due regaurd" for other motorists, this will help ensure that you are around for many years to come helping those in need. Remember "EVERYONE GOES HOME"

TCSS Train Hard.
Asst. Chief T. Lewis
As mentioned, discussed many times before including here:


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