I live in Northern Pa, our district runs to the New York State Border, I have heard in NY it is a state law to pull over for a blue light, is this true? Also wondered how many other states are like this, and how something like this would take affect?

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No that is not true. In New York the blue light is a courtesy light. Drivers are not obligated to pull over for anyone who is running a blue light. Most drivers on the other hand will pull over for you if they se you coming down the road.
down here in North Carolina police are only allowed to have blue lights.and Fire are only allowed red and white.and if a fireman with a POV has blue he's arrested or fined for impercinating a police officer
Here's whats in Delaware. Any cirt. first responder can use there 4-ways and flashing head lights as a courtesy light.
If you have gone thru evoc training or have a cirt. from the Delaware fire school you may use blue and or white light lights.
If you don't move over for a blue light you can get a pretty big fine. That includes when there parked too.
How do you pull over for a blue light that is parked?
NYS policy is that you can have one light per say. but they rarely enforce it. The only one they do is no speeding, running lights or reckless driving. Also the law says that you cannot run a light that is is excess of 90 candle power and more than one rotater. The law says nothing of strobing lights. Unfortunitly, 90 candle power cant even be seen during the day more than 20ft in front.
Sorry, I should of explained it a little better.
"A new law to protect emergency workers and first responders takes effect in
Delaware. Called the “Move Over” law, it requires any driver approaching a stopped emergency
vehicle that has its lights activated, to either move over into a lane that is not next to the emergency
vehicle, or to reduce his or her speed to a “safe speed” while passing the emergency vehicle if
changing lanes would be impossible or unsafe."

I hope this clears things up.
blue lights are cops.u supposed to pull over to the right an stop when u see blue lights coming torwards u.pull over to the left if its coming torwards u head on.in va blue lights are cops.red lights are fire/ems
No....The Blue lights are only a courtest light....It is like asking...."Please let me through, I have a call." But nothing says that you HAVE to.....Paul
It depends on the state.
I also have to add that if you run blue/white in Delaware you pov is considered an EMERGENCY VEHICLE.
In Alaska, blue lights are on POV for ems and firefighters, and some police departments, and it is state law that ALL drivers except other emergency vehicles responding to a call MUST pull over as if the 1988 Dodge Colt behind them is a ladder truck. Even cops who are not headed to a call. Once activated, the blue lights make any vehicle authorized to have them, into a state-authorized emergency vehicle.
In CA we aren't allowed to use any lights while responding... Support personel responding for traffic control may have amber lights facing to the rear only!

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