Bin Laden's Death.. how do you feel about and what are some of your thoughts on everything that is happing?

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Cool. Is there a video of you watching it on TV in the Situation Room?

343 brothers avenged, burn in hell osama we put a boot in your ass it is the american way.
Ben, you've finally gotten confused by your own argument(s).

My comments about the germans is that, since they WERE germans, in CIVILIAN clothes it was understood that they were SPYS (saboteurs). In other words, germans had NO business being on U.S. soil since we were at war with them as a nation. That's not really the case with terrorist, aliens, et al.

I can NOT find a single case of an alien being held according to the P.A.. On the other hand, since the P.A. does NOT allow for that alien to have a lawyer nor there be writ of h.c. how would be know about it? Of course, that's just me being snarky.

You asked how liberty may have been given up for security, I supplied wording from the P.A. You choose instead to make...dunno, some kind of parallel, collateral, non-sequitor arguments? But go ahead and have fun with, I stand by my (earlier, earliest, first, second ?) statement that we have indeed given up some liberty for (the appearance of) security. You just like to argue for the sake. That's cool too.
What about the other (roughly) 2700 civilians, LEO's and military killed that day? THEY don't count in your book? Really?
I really don't think putting a boot in someone's ass is the American way.
More than one question involved there.
First, there's evidence that OBL may have died from his kidney ailment in Dec 2001.
And there have been other reports of his demise since then.
So what's the truth on that?

And now the story they put out keeps changing: first there was a firefight, then he was unarmed; first he used a woman as a human shield, then he didn't; first Obama & Co were watching a live-feed of the killing -- then they weren't.
So basically, we don't know what the hell really happened or who it happened to.

Assuming it WAS OBL who was just killed and that he was killed by USN Seals as reported, I am very ashamed of my country. OBL was ACCUSED of involvement in the 911 arson/murders. He was a suspect, that's all. So we send a hit team into a sovereign nation to commit murder.

What the hell happened to the rule of law? Trial by jury? Innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Apart from the illegality and immorality of it, something about this whole thing just plain stinks.

What happens when someone who dislike YOU for some reason accuses YOU of some crime?
You want a tria? Or should we just send somebody to shoot YOU based on nothing but that accusation.

liberty & justice,

What if he WASN'T responsible?
What if it was someone ELSE?

I'm for avenging those 343 deaths, too.
But I'd like to be sure we get the right guy.

And I thought the American way was trial by jury.

Nothing to celebrate, just congratulate the guys on another mission completed, make sure they get the reward(s) they were eligible to receive and move on...
I disagree Ben. My right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure while traveling is a Constitutional right. Having soap residue on my hands that sets off a sensor for explosives that would not have been discovered by any of the current technology is unreasonable.

Being irradiated or felt up as my only 2 choices-if selected randomly for no reason other than some TSA agent felt like it-is not reasonable. I have done nothing wrong, and if I wasn't in an airport, no cop in the USA would get away with what the TSA does, all in the name of safety. Yet they have not stopped one single attempt from occurring with their baskets and rubber gloves.

You know if they had, we would have heard about it.
You really think the people in Walmart are the ones we want being eternally vigilant?
Was Elvis his co-pilot?

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