Bin Laden's Death.. how do you feel about and what are some of your thoughts on everything that is happing?

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Someday Tyler, with an attitude like that, you will be schooled.

I hope it isn't the hard way, at a fire where you become injured or die because of your arrogance.
LOL, MY arrogance? You're something else.
I knew the personal attacks wouldn't be long in coming. But I've been called worse than a shit.

I was in Oz a few years ago (07) and visited with a couple of fire house. Funny, the conversation I had was that vollies were the bush firefighters, retained were on-call with pager, station and equipment that were called when needed (next step to permanent but actually, volunteers, just like in the states. Call yourself whatever you need to to feel better about yourself.)

Older, and MORE experienced does mean a lot, at least here in U.S. fire departments. It's arrogance and resentment on your part that you don't think so.

Why would it bother me to know that someday I'll stop doing what I do and others coming up will replace me?

Since you have decided to go personal, let me remind you that in previous "conversations" you pointed out that your family didn't believe in you, you were picked on as a kid (not too far removed I gather) and that you had (have?) some kind of speech impediment. Seems all that combined has made you a very angry boy. Again, what a true pleasure you must be to be around.

Let us all know how that works out for you, m'kay?
Arrogance isn't a smile that be can turned on or off, it's much more like weight or build. It's there, it's omnipresent and readily identifiable. Of course, one can "work out" to change their attitude, but one must first recognize that they need to. Clearly, you don't.

While you can nicely word a sentence, you offer no proof to the contrary that you aren't an arrogant little shit, constantly and everywhere your holy presence abides.
Kid, if you hate America so much, why do you bother being on an American website for firefighters?

All you are doing is being contrary.
Of course presidents lie, and bush lied, and maybe obama is or has lied. But I'll take their word at face value before I will that of an 18 year old, australian snot nosed kid.

Even if the DNA comparisons are made public, you'll be one of the first to challenge and refute them. Nothing will ever be enough proof for you.

I'm fairly confident that any "major university' I or anyone else picks will simply not be 'major' enough for you. And who are you to decide who makes such judgments?

"...seems doctored..." According to whom? How can one prove that something "seems doctored?" Either the proof proves it or not, but proofs don't prove something "seems" to be something. That again is speculation. And his release of the Long Form (which trump et. al) demanded has been accepted.

Like the moon landing, the video itself could be faked, produced on a set somewhere that wouldn't show it to be doctored. Release the Seal video and next thing you know, people (not unlike yourself) are then clammering that it is a faked video. There is no satisfying some people.
Spanner, I'm thinking someone needs a timeout.

It would appear to be age appropriate.
Wait, the moon landing was faked?

Next thing you'll be telling me Santa isn't real and neither is the Easter Bunny.
In my personal experience, having been around long enough to have met and interacted with countless people, arrogant people are arrogant people. Your opinion to the contrary, you're arrogant here and I have no doubt you're arrogant everywhere else. However, this being an anonymous forum, you could, I suppose, be some wimpy little kid that was always picked on, still is, and this is your way of acting out against people that remind you of the ones that pick(ed) on you. Maybe you should consider therapy to help you work through your issues, problems and self-resentment. It may make you a better person. (probably too late for me, though).

P.s. I don't know, but I've known a lot of people just LIKE you. To me, it's the same thing and, like you, I've decided what I think you are like (funny how you've made that same decision about me but seem to find no fault in your OWN logic on how you arrived at that conclusion.)
In my personal experience,

Tsk, tsk Jack.

Personal experience is not to be used when debating Tyler. It is not remotely related to anything previous or future in this life.

Just axe him.
You're very welcome. ;>
I'll have to refer those issues to our in-house expert on conspiracy theories; Tyler.
Denial, denial, denial. can't help those that don't want to be helped.
Well, at least think about it, I strongly suspect that I am not the FIRST person to have indicated that you have failings with inter-personal relationships (that means you don't get along well with others ;>)

Who's going to certify to your satisfaction that pictures, videos, and DNA comparisons aren't faked or doctored in some way? For that matter, who's going to certify that the guy doing the certifying isn't faked or doctored in some way?

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