Bin Laden's Death.. how do you feel about and what are some of your thoughts on everything that is happing?

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I think it's very wrong to be celebrating the death of someone, regardless of his reputation. Having read quite a bit about the events leading up to 9/11/01, I'm not so sure he was responsible. I don't buy all of the conspiracy theories, but there are too many unanswered questions regarding the US government's behavior that day to put all the blame on Muslim extremists.
The question I have is, why wasn't he taken prisoner and brought before a jury?
I understand that "they" didn't want hostages taken to attempt to secure his release, but fear of others' actions should never be cause for an assassination, which is essentially what this was.
I am glad the SOB is dead. As far as dancing around in the streets like a bunch of idiots.. well I'm out on that. I am proud of our military, I was a member back in the day, and I salute them for a job well done.
The people who lost a loved one on 9/11 or in the following wars can celebrate how they want.
The people who are dancing in the streets, they are the same ones who were chanting bring home our troops for the last 10 years, at least that is my guess. These are not people who care about our military, they have not served their country, they just want to be "seen" by all as someone who matters.

I do remember when 9/11 happened and all over the muslim world people were dancing in the street, and it made me want to kill everyone of them. SO.... I am wondering how long it will take for an attact from some terrorist on US soil again. I think it will happen sometime soon, but I hope I am wrong.

As far as bringing him in as a prisoner, who cares, he resisted, he got shot, end of story, he used his wife as a shield and she got shot too, at least none of our soldiers got killed, who cares if they killed the whole village. They didn't assinate anyone, are you another one of the shoot him in the leg crowd? Go read your conspirocy theory books about how the government blew up the buildings...
I like the way you think Tyler. I'm glad he is dead.
Thank God he is dead and no service members were injured! I only hope we don't take our foot of the gas, this was only one man, a major piece but not the only one!!!
You probably call yourself a Christian.
And, learn how to spell.
Show me proof before I celebrate...
I think it is wrong to celebrate anyone's death, regardless of who or what they are. But I think taking him out was necessary, I think Our justice system needs some work when someone can get away on a technicality while people who can't afford a good lawyer can be locked up on questionable evidence.

And while I think celebrating the death is wrong (being glad he is dead and openly celebrating it are two different things), I'm also not above the idea of dropping a daisy cutter into the middle of any funeral celebration, even if these cowards want to hide behind women and children. When a 12 year old or a woman will put on a vest, then all bets are off and they became enemy combatants. If people are repulsed by that thought, maybe they should spend some time working at a vet hospital where our soldiers are coming home in pieces.

You have to take the fear to them and so long as they don't fear us, they'll still be emboldened to try to take us out. It's a shame, but when you are having a gunfight with someone who wants to kill you, a knee shot is not going to do the job. Go center mass.
lutan1, so cynical, I thought Auzzies were a happy lot.
happy... and hot...

oops... that was not the question...

yes... I agree... show me some proof...

oh wait... I don't believe even the "news" proof any more...
Not that I have not taken every opportunity to bring attention to CBN+E preparedness and response but... Now would be the time to read the things I have posted on WMD Hazmat. Just sayin'... Or you can pay me $75.00 per hour to provide training for you and your department like others have to. Just like a meaningful FFN forum post, take the time to actually read prior discussions and forum posts.

Failure to prepare is preparing for failure... Be prepared...


lutan1, so cynical, I thought Auzzies were a happy lot.

Yeah, coz it wouldn't be the first time either your government or mine has hyped up something to get what they want, justify something or cover something else up would it??? ;-)

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