Kensington house fire highlights basement fire and some other things.

Montgomery County, MD firefighters responded to a house fire at 12010 Valleywood Drive in the Kensington area. The video below shows some of the initial actions; one line stretched to the basement, another to Division One, and the trucks throwing ladders.

Take look at how you operate at basement fires.

Is the first line going to the first floor and interior stairs before the size-up is done?

Is another company coming in from an exterior entrance while you're trying to make the stairs?

Have the latest related news and information on fire flow paths caused you to think twice before using Side Alpha as the point of attack?



"Tactics for Basement Fires", Jakubowski, FireRescue Magazine/FirefighterNation June 2008

"Engine Company Size-Up and IAP Development", Jakubowski, FireRescue Magazine/FirefighterNation May 2010

"Wind-Driven Fire Injures Maryland Firefighters at House Fire", FireRescue Magazine/FirefighterNation, February 2012

"UL, NIST Study Fire Behavior in Modern Dwellings", FireRescue Magazine/FirefighterNation, January 2012



Don't leave it for the Wagon Driver.


Bill Carey is the daily news and blog manager for Elsevier Public Safety (FireRescue Magazine/Firefighter Nation, JEMS and LawOfficer sites.) Bill also manages the network and is a former volunteer lieutenant with the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department in Prince George's County, Maryland.

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Typically a size-up needs to be made and a determination of location and amount of fire, and how long its been involved should be made prior to committing resources.  If it is determined it is safe the first line should access the interior stair case and assess conditions in the first floor and at least protect the interior of the home from further spread while additional access points are tried.  If the fire is too far advanced than you may need to cut a hole in the floor just inside the front door and use a cellar nozzle.

Searches should be made of upper floors, VES can be used here effectively as well as checking for extension through wall spaces in balloon frame houses.

Fighting basement fires from interior stairs can be brutal as it acts like a chimney and should be done with coordinated ventilation of cellar windows to prevent the interior crews from being steamed like lobsters when they open up.  Typically you should attempt to get down stairs before opening up if possible, or stay low to the treads and go feet first down the stairs, sounding them all the way.

Exterior BILCO doors are always a welcome sight when rolling up to a reported basement fire, but crews should be aware of how to force these doors and the various padlocks used to secure them.

Im sure I missed stuff, but I am here to learn.

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