Tense moments during row house fire provide subjects for continual training

A row house fire in Baltimore had companies on the box alarm facing reports of children trapped. During the course of the fire, two firefighters became injured. A mayday was called for one firefighter who fell through the second floor and ended up in the basement. Read more at Five Dead in Baltimore Row House Fire

"3 Keys to Managing the Incident When Things Go Wrong" Schmidt
"Mayday! Mayday!" Gaumont
"Mayday 101" Robertson
"Is Your Department Ready for a Rapid Intervention Event?" Schmidt
"Essential Steps for a Command Officer During a Mayday" Tobia


Be sure to review these FireRescue Magazine/FirefighterNation articles on the subjects of incident command and mayday. Ask yourself and your crew:

Can the first officer on the scene at my fire handle occupants – and firefighters – trapped?

How well do the members of my department know how to transmit a “mayday”?

How would my department respond to a situation similar to the one in Baltimore?




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We just expierenced a Mayday in our department. The IC failed to have a RIT team in place, the Mayday was not copied by dispatch or the IC, Emergency traffic was called by the crew that expierenced the Mayday and command copied the transmission that a FF had partially gone through a floor and the crew was going out the second floor window. I am confident in the crews in my department but I lack that confidence in the Battalions.

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