I have been adding friends from throughout the country on my facebook account. I was wondering how many of us have and use facebook. Feel free to look me up on facebook and add me as a friend. I am big into technology and am always looking for better ways to communicate.

I just installed a great application that takes it to the next level. You can add to your facebook account too. It is called text to chat. You can check it out: Are you a Face Book Junkie Like Me?

I look forward to meeting my Brothers and Sisters throughout the Nation.

Be safe and stay low.


Views: 288


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Replies to This Discussion

I use facebook also:)
Never used it
I'm a relatively new face to facebook.
But, I'm there.
I as well use facebook so feel free to look me up
I Am On Facebook...Candy Brunswick Feel Free To Add
Hey Ray,
Rite here!
Facebook junkie

Feel free to look me up
Marc Hurwitz
LAFD (Los Angeles City Fire Department)
Can't find you. LOL. There are quite of Marc Hurwitz's. Send me a link.


Sorry but the link doesn't appear to work and since we cannot verify it, we discourage anyone from clicking on it.

Ray -- send us the link before reposting. Since we can't confirm its not spamware and is coming up as a bad link (page not found within framework that appears to be facebook), we needed to remove your last post.

Also, please do NOT post any links here that are commercial in nature.
i have a face book but more on my space
face book im / firechief 911@yahoo.com
my space im / fireman911 fire @yahoo.com
yo bro im on face book real name Patrick Peake feal free to add
They just launched a really cool feature for your facebook account or any other social network. You can check it out at: http://www.fbookjunkie.com


Technology is amazing. Enjoy!


I use Facebook =)

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