Remember these doors……?

Well, since posting these doors and asking how to force them, I have been inundated with requests for a view from the inside.

When I took these pictures originally, we were training on the roof of a vacant Value City building and were not sure about permission to actually enter the building.

So, since then we were granted permission to make entry, using our Knox Box keys, and take a look around.  I found the interior side of these doors to be interesting.

This is the view from the interior of those doors from the original post.

Does this view change anything that you might have thought about doing in regards to forcible entry?

The drop bar is not in place and that is how we found it.  It looks pretty harmless from this side of the door.

But, we did take a look at another set of doors that you might be interested in and they might be more of a challenge.

Take a look at these…..

What is your first impression with this set of doors?

Concerns or difficulties that you can see?

These are not too disimilar form the other set of doors.

Here is what the inside looks like……

Okay, there you have it and let us know what you see and what you would do.

Are there any special considerations that you see or would like to share?

Again, post your comments and share your knowledge, we really appreciate it.

Stay safe and train hard.

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Thanks for the follow up pics Jason.
The original post lead to some pretty interesting brainstorming around the station. It's going to be interesting to see what they have to say now that we have seen the other side.

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