Not all doors are created equal.  Take a look at this door and decide how you would attack it’s integrity to force it open.  There is a lot that the characteristics of a door can tell you about how it is hung and secured.

Although this seems like a very simple skill and knowledge that everyone should know, I am continually surprised by how many don’t really understand how to use forcible entry tools.  I’m sure you have seen the guy just beating a door to death but not getting anywhere because he is attacking the door the wrong way.

Share your thoughts, experiences and techniques with all of us on how you would attack this door.  If you have photos, post them or send them and we will post them for you.

Stay safe and train hard.

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Or if all else fails knock on the door and wait for someone to answer it.......LOL
Simple, cut a triangle with circular saw above cradle bolts. Reach inside a lift out bar. They should open if not reach in a see if there is a panic bar.
Always the pragmatist. lol
Read it or looked at the pictures?
Dang it, Wade you took my anwser. Couple of pounds of C4 should work just fine.
Thanks Nate, great post. We must read what is front of us, not what we have a cool technique for.
Can't argue with any of that. Well written and complete.
Half way down the door, there are 4 rectangles. That is what may or may not hold a security bar in place.
yes...? And with information you are going to do what...? Still think a Demo saw (K-12) with a diamond bit will get us in......
Rod, I might try it as a first attempt...but usually these doors are steel reinforced and set into concrete and the bar just doesn't quite do it....
Good ideas all. Brings to mind the need to pre-plan commercial occupancies for just such an occasion.
is there a difference....?

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