Hello I'm new here so sorry 
for any informalities if any 
about forum posts on FFN

i'm intrested in the MOS for firefighters in the army though there seems to be 
no officer input on the MOS. If anyone knows of the MOS title and knows how 
i can try to combine my two goals for my next few times. My main 2 goals would 
be to become a firefighter civilian after my 6 years of service in the military 
but yet have a common appraoach with both of them anyone willing to help 
or give some advice would be great.

(had a previous file on FFN and was quite immature about 
it being new to the internet scene hope to start a clean 
slate )

"first ones in last ones out"

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Thats true, I misread your post. My Bad>
Navy has DC's and Fire Fighter/EMTs. They are 2 different Career fields. DC's do what you said earlier. Fire Fighters will stay in port do the whole fire fighting thing mostly arff. You either need to be lucky out of basic or in for a while as a DC before going to Goodfellow AFB and go through the Fire Academy. I had to PO2's in my class when I went through and they explained it all to me.
The certs do carry over. The U.S. Air Force fire Academy (all branches go there) uses all the requirements for IFSTA FF1, FF2, Airport Fire Fighter so on and so forth. If the state your going to doesn't recognize IFSTA three out of four states all you have to do is mail in the cert and a small fee and you'll get the same cert in whatever for your state recognizes.
Only a few are picked from the Army, Navy, and Marines. Air Force even though cutting back still has lots of military fire protection jobs open and is the easiest branch to get picked up as a fire fighter.
Navy has DC's and Fire Fighter/EMTs. They are 2 different Career fields. DC's do what you said earlier. Fire Fighters will stay in port do the whole fire fighting thing mostly arff.

Yes and no. Damage Control IS considered the firefighting rating in the Navy, however, the rating is a sea duty billit. DC do NOT serve on submarines and they do not work on the flight deck of aircraft carriers or helo carriers.......every other surface ship, DC do all the firefighting capacity, including ARFF.

The other rating you are talking about is Aviation Boatswain Mate (there are several sub-ratings to specialize the jobs like ABF is fuels, ABE, electronics, ABH, handling, etc) Such folks who do the crash/rescue do receive FF training, but more specialized to ARFF. On a carrier, they man the crash "vehicle" and wear the hot suits, their role is limited to the flight deck. In the event of a crash or fire on the flight deck, DC and the At Sea Fire Party are staged below the flight deck to back up if needed.

However, in both ratings there is NO combination of FF/EMT....EMT does not exist for any other rating except for HM, Corpsman. Schooling for both AB and DC does not include EMT, they may get some basic first aid and such like any crewmember, but there is no specialized training in emergency medicine as that of an EMT.

And for an FYI, I'm not pulling out crap here, I did serve as a DC on both an aircraft carrier and frigate, I know what I'm talking about here. Most DC don't go to Goodfellow because they are not going to do structural FF (unless they get some shore duty requiring it) and most bases have their own fire training centers in the Navy where a DC typically would get shore duty. Reason being is EVERYONE in the Navy is trained in firefighting, so they need to have multiple places to train personnel.
I verified, it's still called FC (Fire Controlman) or DC (Damage Controlman),












I verified with a, Petty Officer in the US Naval Recruiting, Thornton, Co. Center, as for the #, if you want...

Sure I have no problem telling a recruiter they screwed up.

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